Chapter 6: The Perfect Cure

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"Are you going to the Halloween party tonight," Inez asked. I was currently spending Saturday at her house, which was absolutely gorgeous. Her huge living room was constructed out of shiny, black tiled flooring, with windows for about every wall. Her bedroom was super great as well, using pastel colors for decorations.

"I don't know. Leo came down with the flu. I thought I might stay with him."

"Come on, Avery, he can take care of himself," Inez emphasized as we sat on her couch. We had just finished watching the film, "Big," which starred one of our favorite actors, Tom Hanks.

"I know, I just like being with him." I wrapped my arms around me as I got lost in thought about my best friend.

"You still have a pretty big crush on him, huh?" Inez was almost teasing me as she shot me a knowing smile. Even though I shrugged she added, "Oh yeah, you do. Come on, tell me all about him."

"What?" I turned to her, confused by what she meant. Did she have an interest in him now?

"You must be dying to talk about Leo with someone, and you can't very well do that with Leo."

"Oh yeah," I spoke, understanding why she was interested now. "Well... He's such a great guy. It's like he can read my mind sometimes. He's talented at so many things like skateboarding and basketball... But what really gets me are those blue eyes of his. They're just..."

"Mesmerizing," Inez finished before cracking a smile. "Don't worry, totally not interested in him. It's just who couldn't notice that? It's like looking into a Caribbean ocean or something."

A faint smile stretched across my lips at how she described Leo's blue orbs. "Yeah, they really are. He's just so cute, Inez. That's the first thing I noticed about him, but he's also so nice and we get along so well. He's my best friend. There was actually one time when I think he might have kissed me."

"Really?" Inez's eyes widened in absolute shock.

"Yeah, but I ruined things by just saying we were just friends, and then he thought he read the signs wrong, and I don't know..."

"Then you should tell him how you feel, if it's that obvious he likes you back." Her positive enthusiasm was something I lacked in this situation.

"I don't know. I just don't feel like it's the right time."

"Avery..." she dragged out, sounding slightly annoyed. "If everyone waited until it was 'the right time' then no one would date. You just have to go for it. Trust me."

"Is that how you got Ryan," I wondered.

"Actually yeah, but that was a big, fat mistake. You and Leo aren't."

"Thanks." I weakly smiled at her before she stood up.

"So, are you going to the Halloween party tonight with me or not?"

I thought about it for a second or two before another small smile found its way onto my face. "Okay."

"Great! I'm going to put on my outfit right now and put on my makeup. Meet up back here in 2 hours?"

"Okay," I agreed, my heart pounding with excitement when I thought of how I would have time to visit Leo before then.

When I entered Leo's apartment after his mom let me in, I found my best friend in his bed, all wrapped up in covers.

"Leo," I softly asked, knocking on his open door slightly.

"Ava," he smiled, trying to lift his head some.

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