Chapter 15: You Know Me

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WARNING: Short Sex Scene at the end.

"You wanted to see me," Leo asked after racing into my bedroom. I had called him on the phone, making it sound a bit urgent even though I knew he would come anyway.

"I have some news," I started, his eyes widening as he stepped forward a little.

"No...," he trailed off in a quiet/shocked voice.

"I have really bad cramps," I finished, him furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. "I'm not pregnant."

It then dawned on him that I was referencing the last time we made a mistake of not being careful when doing it together.

"I started my period yesterday, but I didn't tell you until today just to be sure," I added.

"That's great," he grinned. "Even though having cramps really sucks I'm sure."

"It does," I confirmed before turning towards the bathroom to go in there for a few minutes. Before I even entered it though, Leo spoke up again.

"Hey, Ava?" I turned to where he stood, his hands in his pockets as he produced a half smile.

"I know it would of made things a hell of a whole lot more complicated, but I wouldn't of been upset if you were pregnant. I love you, Ava." His sweet expression caused me to melt, going up to him to wrap my arms around his neck.

"I love you too, Leo." I kissed his cheek softly before disappearing into the bathroom, wondering how on earth I got so lucky to have met a guy like him.

On New Year's Eve, Leo and I attended Allison's party on the beach. I went ahead and wore a short, black dress that almost went up my thigh, the top part a v-neck with spaghetti straps. Leo was in a nice, dark blue suit and a black tie, looking gorgeous with his usual hairstyle of it parted slightly more to one side than the other, but still near the middle. He rested his hand on the small of my back after we rode up to the sandy grounds on our skateboards. It was funny how we were traveling there in our fancy outfits. The minute we arrived, Inez whisked me away, Leo just catching up with some of the guys on the basketball team.

"I haven't seen you in forever. How have you been," Inez wondered as we found a quiet area of the land.

"I've been pretty good." I nodded a tiny bit as she handed me a red solo cup with red punch in it.

"And how are you and Leo?" She winked over at me before taking a sip of her drink.

"Great." I instantly lit up the minute anyone brought up my boyfriend.

"I heard you spent some time with Jason Priestley from "Beverly Hills, 90210." That must've been exciting." We both sat on an empty blanket on the beach as we chatted. The sun was beginning to set, twilight soon on its way.

"Yeah, it was. He was a really sweet guy. Leo got really jealous though."

"Really?" Inez was a nice friend, but I could tell she lived for the gossip. Even though she was my closest friend besides Leo, we didn't hang out very often, and I also didn't share many personal things. She had no idea that Leo and I were lovers, figuring all we had ever done was make out.

"Yeah, Jason and I went out for coffee-"

"Coffee? You know what that means?" Her mouth was open a bit in amusement as I rolled my eyes.

"You sound like Leo. He pretty much said the same thing," I recalled.

"Avery, everyone knows that coffee basically means, 'i like you,' and this is a date."

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