Chapter 12: Greek Sculpture

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WARNING/IMPORTANT AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hey guys, before you read this chapter, I just wanted you to know that there are a couple of heavy sex scenes in it. I'll mark it when they start in case you want to skip over them, since they're at the end. I'll be sure to mark any future sex scenes that might possibly be in this book if you want to just keep skipping those. 

The moment I walked through the doors to my house, my mom went to where I was.

"Honey, Leo and his mom are going home now. Their apartment got fixed early, and we have some things we need to discuss," she softly told me.

I barely nodded my head before turning to Leo, pain radiating off of both of us as we gazed at each other deeply.

"I'll see you soon," he promised, holding me close before kissing the top of my head gingerly.

I squeezed his middle before he released me, but I felt empty once we were separated. I watched sadly as him and his mom left our house, following my mom into the living to sit on the couch, once they were gone. We both sat next to one another, but I couldn't even look at her.

"Avery, your father and I are getting a divorce." I squeezed my eyes tightly shut, the news not any easier to take. I was aware my mother was doing her best to be gentle, but nothing could prevent this from hurting.

"Did he cheat on you?" I couldn't help but ask the first reason that popped into my mind.

"No," she shot out. "It was nothing like that, sweetie. We just grew apart."

"Why didn't you grow apart all those other times he was away? He hasn't exactly been around much my whole life," I pointed out, stealing a glance in her direction.

She sighed as her shoulders sagged, pressing her lips firmly together. "I don't know, sweetie. This year's just been harder than the others."

"Then what's going to happen now? Are we going to have to move out?" My throat closed up as I fought back the forming tears.

"No, your father has agreed to pay the bills for our house for the next 6 months. After that, we'll be in charge of the house. Your Aunt Christine's going to be moving in with us to help with bills, and to just be there for us. I'll probably get a job at Entertainment Tonight, where your aunt works. Everything will work out. Your father just won't be around."

"Where will he be," I asked barely above a whisper, staring at my hands folded in my lap.

"He's going to be moving to New York, since that's where most of his work is now."

"New York?! But that's on the other side of the country!" My mother winced at my raised voice as she composed herself to speak further.

"I know, but he's there most of the time anyway. Not much is really going to change."

"How can you say that? I know he was never around, Mom, but just knowing that he was still a part of our family is what got me through it. Where is he now? I want to see him."

She went rigid as she reluctantly answered, "He's already left. He's coming back for the divorce court trial in a couple of weeks."

"So, when you divorced he also became an asshole?"

"Avery," my mother scolded in shock, since I never cussed out loud in front of her before.

"I'm sorry, Mom, but that's what he is. I never want to speak to him again! I'm glad he's leaving!" I then ran straight for my room, sobbing the entire way. I dived headfirst onto my bed as I buried my nose into my pillow, letting the tears flow freely. I struggled to catch my breath as I cried like a small child, realizing after half an hour my mom would be leaving me alone. I sat up as I pushed my hair back from my mascara stained cheeks, a lipstick stain left on my white pillowcase. I sniffed loudly, using a tissue before grabbing my pink cord phone. I stared dialing a number that I had memorized, anxiously waiting as three rings went through.

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