Chapter 16: The Most Magical Place

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The next morning I was exhausted since Leo and I hadn't gotten much sleep. It was probably our longest love making session yet.

I yawned as I ran my hand through my hair, pausing when I saw Aunt Christine at the bar in the kitchen, just casually drinking her coffee out of a yellow mug.

"Good morning, Christine," I greeted, hoping Leo would stay downstairs a bit longer. He was currently showering and getting dressed.

"Good morning, Avery. How's Leo?" She brought her drink up to her lips as she looked over it at me.

"What do you mean," I slowly asked.

"He's downstairs, right?"

I tried to think up a lie, but my brain was failing me. "Uh..."

"I used to sneak my boyfriends into my bedroom all the time. I know how it is," she explained as she drank more of her beverage.

"How long have you known," I wondered, unable to meet her eyes since I was embarrassed.

"Since the day I moved in. I would be in the living room and you and Leo wouldn't see me when you came into the house. I hope you're being careful. I almost had a pregnancy scare when I was 16."

I winced since I felt extremely uncomfortable discussing this with anyone, especially my aunt. "Did mom sneak boyfriends home too?"

"Pfft, your mother was a saint," Christine scoffed. "She never was with any guy until she met your father. I admired her for it, but it was such a pain that mom and dad got on my case about making out with my boyfriends all the time."

I nodded faintly as Christine went over to throw her container into the dishwasher. "So, what are your plans for today?" I was grateful for her sudden change in topic.

"I don't know. Leo and I were just going to hang out. We didn't really have anything planned."

"You want to do my video exercises with me? They're fun. Well, except for the endless squats."

"Sure...," I trailed off, Leo just then bounding into the room, still readjusting his grey t-shirt.

"Hey." He blushed a nice shade of pink, which was a rarity for him, as he draped his arm over my shoulders.

"Hey, do you want to do Christine's exercises together? She's got a video that tells you how to do them," I explained, straining my neck to look over at him.

His gorgeous blue eyes danced between my own before the cutest grin etched across his face. "Sure."

I couldn't help but smile myself before we all entered the living room, Christine popping in the tape after turning on the television. Soon we were all moving from side to side, breaking a sweat as the exercises became more intense. When we got to the squats my thighs were burning, but I did have a nice view, since I was standing behind Leo. I blushed when Christine caught me staring at him, but she just smiled and shook her head. Eventually we were all sprawled out on the floor, breathing heavily, worn out from getting in shape.

"That was torture," I breathed, turning my head to look over at Leo the exact same time he moved his head in my direction.

"It was kind of fun," he mischievously grinned.

"You two kids want anything to drink," Christine checked after standing.

"Water would be nice," Leo responded.

"Same here," I added after sitting up, pulling my knees to my chest. Leo propped himself up on his forearms behind him, looking over at me. "How can you be so cute," I asked.

"Yeah, being all sweaty makes me cute," he sarcastically reacted, finally standing before offering me his hand, which I accepted.

"No, that just makes you hot," I told him, biting my lower lip as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I think I need another shower," he commented, making a face after smelling under his arm.

I scrunched my nose up a bit for a second before kissing his lips softly. "I can just hang out with Aunt Christine if you want to do that." I stroked the back of his hair despite how wet it was from him perspiring, in love with him no matter what.

"You don't want to join me?" He teased with a devilish smirk, but I just laughed before shaking my head.

"Not this time, Romeo." I pecked his lips before Aunt Christine arrived with our water.

"Thanks," Leo told her, chugging the clear liquid so fast that I worried he would choke. He didn't though, managing to kiss my lips before running downstairs.

"So, what do you say we go to Disney Land? I've got connections with Entertainment Tonight, so I can always get in free with guests," Christine explained, causing me to widen my eyes.

"Are you serious," I questioned.

"Sure! So, what do you think?"

"I think Leo's going to look good in mouse ears," I cleverly responded.

In a matter of an hour, all three of us were in the famous park, me dragging Leo over to a store first to purchase our headwear. I ended up picking out a simple pair of black mouse ears with a red bow with white polka dots, while Leo opted for floppy, black ears that had Goofy's green hat on top. Christine picked out Minnie Mouse ears identical to mine, only they had sparkles all over. We ended up going on Splash Mountain first, me holding Leo's hand, since I always got a little nervous before the drops. All of us enjoyed the mechanical bears as we went through the ride, me screaming a tiny bit when the biggest drop happened, Leo just squeezing my hand reassuringly. He ended up buying the picture of me with my eyes tightly shut with him somehow grinning directly up at the camera, our joined hands visible.

Space Mountain was next, which was a lot of fun, and I giggled about the whole way through, wishing Leo didn't have to be in a separate cart. We went on so many rides that I lost count, since Christine could literally get to the front of any line with her pass. The night seemed to be ending too soon as we munched on some snacks. Leo and I were sharing a churro, while Christine had opted for a large pretzel with cheese. We all stared up into the sky as they did their program at the end, talking about dreams and even having Tinker Bell fly across on a zip line. It felt magical as the fireworks exploded above us, the song "When You Wish Upon a Star" playing loudly in the background. I turned to Leo as a bright, blue glow highlighted his eyes, him producing a half smile before we were leaning in, just kissing beneath the brilliant colors. It was funny how we were at the most magical place on earth, but long as I was with Leo any location could be that for me.  

A/N: Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.  Sorry it was shorter than the others.  As always, please remember to comment, vote, and follow. Thank you so much! <3

treacherous || Leonardo DiCaprioजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें