The Tragedy

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Katie P.O.V

"It's okay honey, you can let go." my mom said. My 13 year old sister was about to die. She has pancreatic cancer, diagnosed when she was 9. We were all surprised she made it this far.
" Before I go, I want to use my wish." my sister said. What?!? She was never well enough to use it.
" I want my sister to spend a week with One direction. It would mean the world is to her." "okay honey we'll see what we can do." the nurse said. I can't believe my sister would give me her dying wish. This made me break out into another fit of tears.
Sadly, my sister only lived another 20 minutes. Now my family and I were all crying in the waiting room. After I had calmed down a bit, a nurse called me over. " Honey, I know your sister wanted you to have the week with that boy band, and we will call, but it might not work out." " I understand completely miss." I replied. After that, we all had to sign some papers. When we went home, I went up into my room to have some alone time. That mostly consisted of me crying. I loved my sister so much. I didn't want her to be gone. I went into her room one last time. Me and my family had decided to move to a house down the road, closer to the cemetery. We thought it would be good to relive bad memories. We had started moving last week and were almost done.

-----------------later that week------------------
"April Henderson is very loved, and may she rest in peace. Thank you." the priest said. I was a mess. The funeral has just ended and that was the last time I would see my sister. God I missed her. Her laugh, smile, and how even when she was dying she could always make me laugh. I guess I will have to move on eventually.
" Oh, Katie, the nurse just called. She contacted One Direction. They would love to spend a week with you. You leave two weeks from today." No way.

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