Ch3: Aftermath

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Irumas POV

That's what happened.. I thought I had died went I continued to fall into the Abyss. However somehow my crystals showed themselves and the book appeared from one of them. It enveloped me with a floating spell before dragging me off to the Guardian of Cutthroat Valley.

Since I was dying I don't know exactly what happened afterwards but apparently I'm now of his decent and am thus a mix between human and demon beast. I now looked different. I can still look how I did before but now I can change to look like something close to Ballam-sensei or completely like a demonic beast.

Another thing I noticed is.. That I don't have the Ring of Gluttony anymore, to be more precise I don't have the arm it was on anymore. It got cut off back then but thanks to 'Papa' I completely healed up and my arm regrew. I now live my life in the deepest regions of my new home. I'm still studying the grimoire and the things my new family is teaching me but.. I also can't help but miss Granpa and the others.. They've probably already heard that I'm a human.

I clapped my hand to my face. 'I will not think of such depressing things! I'm sure they already moved on! We only spent a short period of time together anyway in comparison to their lifespan!' Nodding to myself I continued making medicine pouches around my belt. Hey, my blood still has a healing factor that can now also affect myself so why not use it?


After the tournament, the responsible students were rounded up by none other than Kalego-sensei with his Cerberus in a more scary mood than what is considered normal from him. At first it was still mostly from shock but what no-one understood back then was why the chairman was crying his eyes out.

After letting one of the three candidates for the position of demon king cry his heart out (which he practically was) all students were send into their classrooms with their teachers. Ballam and Amelie didn't even make a peep, they glanced at the torn off arm before heading into the school. Opera was pinning Iruma's Attackers down with a scolding glare and sharp nails behind his back while his red tail had been as puffed up like a squirrel or honeybadger in the staff room. Lord Sullivan had then made an announcement from the headmasters office.

"Hello... Students" he started sadly with bitterness in his cold voice.
"I have to an important announcement to make: the tournament is cancelled. Reason being is that.. a student died and will not come back."

Immediately outrage came from inside the entire school, the classroom of Royal one was so chaotic that all of the students burst through the door (Kalego-sensei walked through it in a hurried walk) and went straight to the chair demon's room demanding answers.

Sullivan, in a lower state of his normal relaxed self, got so angry that he leaked his magic powers into the surroundings chocking the one's nearby. Opera quickly entered the room and with a serious amount of effort slammed his fist on the principal's desk startling him from his behaviour. Realising what he had done, he immediately retrieved his magic letting the students collapse on the wooden floor boards.

The school was silent during Sullivan's short... Tantrum, giving the speakers their rapid attention. The adult demon's in the assembly hall also did, this was no doubt an announcement that would shock the entire demon world!

Opera swiftly made tea and settled to stand next to the principal as the abnormal students and their teacher shakily stood up again only to plop down on couches and chairs. Asmodeus looked warily at the principal as did most of his fellow classmates.

Drawing a calming breath and taking a ship of his tea, the top demon in the room mentally prepared himself for what he was about to say. Kalego-sensei meanwhile eyed the container that was on a podium to the side of the wall, containing the cut off arm of one of his now supposedly dead student.

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