||Fourteen||-›Opium Den/Debauchery

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Slightly edited because of annoying typos *sighs*

A/N; There are homophobic references in this chapter. Please skip if it is a triggering topic for you!. As a fellow Christan, I want to assure you all that not all religious people are homophobic, it is a misconception brought on by some individuals. Lots of love♥

This time, I have left my body behind me, crying. In its dark thorns.
Still, there are good things in this world.

• James Wright.

The only true pure thing in life is love, so how shall someone dare tell you otherwise

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The only true pure thing in life is love, so how shall someone dare tell you otherwise. There is no wrong way to love........


Julius had touched himself, he had touched himself to the thought of Reuben last night, when no man was at the public mens' shower stall. He thought of Reuben's lips; so pink and plump, and of how soft his skin was whenever Julius accidentally or not so accidentally touched him whiles he clothed him. Julius ended up spilling his semen against the bathroom floor.

He felt like a sodomite.


Why is Mr Humphrey being beaten?” A thirteen years old Julius held tightly unto the side of his uncle's cardigan, tugging on it as he pointed towards the man. His face twisted in horror.

A small but quickly growing crowd surrounded the scene, to look at Mr Humphrey being beaten up at the bazaar in their village.

Taunts and jeers flew his way, and hateful slangs were spewed as punches and kicks collided with his ribs and face.

Their vituperation rang across the bazaar.

Some ripped at his clothes, leaving the man naked and keening. His cries grew as he shielded his face from the large stones being vigorously thrown at him, opening up wide crimson and scarlet coloured bruises all over his body.

He is being beaten, because he is deserving of it," Julius's uncle spat in disdain, as he stared at the man. "He is a lustful and sinful being, a shameful man going against the natural ways of life!

Though Julius was only thirteen and scarcely knew anything about law, he did know of the fact that Mr Humphrey was under trial and hadn't yet been convicted.

Nonetheless, here he was, being beaten to death by the local citizens of the village.

Julius could still hear the words his uncle had spoken years ago, echoing in his brain, haunting him. He had secretly felt awful for the once beloved wool merchant, who suddenly became hated by everyone in the village, once they came to know of his attraction towards other men.

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