1- "Have We Met Before?"

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I woke up at 6:30 to my alarm going off I sat up groggily remembering the day ahead "yay first day of school" I mumbled sarcastically as I dragged myself to my closet to get dressed.

I decided on my outfit nothing special just jeans and an oversized sweatshirt. I made my way down stairs to be greeted by my mom.

"Hey hun ready for school?" She said smiling shyly at me I nodded my head and she made her way over to my little brother "I'm ready for school too!"
He said happily.

Jackson Williams
8 years old not really the quite type actually he's quite loud. We share the same mother but not the same father my mom had him a year after she got remarried to my stepdad and he's really been a light in all of our lives.

Yes Jackson you too I said as I walked over to the toaster grabbing the toast out and taking a bite.

"Hey Lia!" My stepdad said coming out of the room. He lifted his hand to give a high-five making me only jump In response.

He looked at me sideways "why do you always jump when I come near" he said slightly annoyed by my actions.

Before I could even get a word out my mom started pushing me towards the door "she's just so excited about the first day of school" my mom said pushing me out the door handing me my book bag.

I sighed and she pushed open the door handing me my car keys "make sure you drive safely" he said kissing my head slamming the door in my face.

I huffed and made my way over to my car starting it and heading to my only friends house to pick her up.

I arrived in no more than 10 minutes and honked the horn when I arrived and Sofia came running out the house her father holding a flip flop screaming at her "don't come back until you find a job Sofia!"

Sofia Martinez
My bestie since middle school she's definitely not the sharpest tool in the shed but she's always there for me when I need her. We basically became friends because she was dealing with the same family issues as me we copped together sadly she's still dealing with it but my mother and I have over come it after 10 long years.

She plopped down in the passenger seat and sighed of relief "so..can I stay at your place tonight" she said still catching her breath I laughed and agreed to her proposal "but you have to find a job eventually" I said rolling my eyes at her
"Yeah yeah yeah just drive"
She said crossing her arms over her chest.

We arrived at school 30 minutes later I parked my car a hopped out grabbing my bag from the back seat.

I turned over to see Sofia still sitting "Sofia come on class starts in 6 minutes and we don't even have our schedules yet!" I said walking to her side opening the door.

She got out of the car and we made our way over to the office to collect our schedules.

"We only have one class together" I whined as we compared  schedules she patted me on the shoulder and walked towards her class yelling to me "you'll be fine make some friends" I mumbled to myself at the thought of having to talk to other people.

Easy for you to say you have other friends I whispered as I walked to my first period class.

I entered the room and everyone was already seated I made my way to the only seat left in the the back of the room.

I quietly sat down and the bell rang seconds later. I sighed and the teacher began his regular procedures lecture since it's only the first day.

"Now I don't do that switching partners stuff and fighting over who gets with who so everyone pick your partner now and that's your partner for the rest of this semester" he said waiting for us to choose.

I quickly panicked as I looked around at all the other kids picking their bestfriends I looked around for someone I even slightly knew but I knew nobody I started to really panic when someone tapped my shoulder.

"I'm Julian Choi..want to be partners?" I turned around and saw him he was so good looking.

Julian Choi
Bottom of the class although he is very intelligent and has the looks to add to it he's quite tall too and he doesn't exactly have the most caring family I remember one time in middle school his father was screaming at him in a language that I am not quite Familiar with and he cried I felt bad but everyone else laughed at him.

"Sure...let's me partners" I said as we sat back down in our seats he smiled at me as he tilted his head "have we met before?" He asked confused.

I scoffed at him "yeah we've only been in the same class since elementary school" I said rolling my eyes he covered his mouth "ooh my bad" he said turning to face the teacher again.

At the end of class the teacher assigned us a partner project "I know it's the first day but you'll get over it, your assignment is to make a poster board of all the things you know about the civil war"

I sighed as the bell rung "my house or your house?" Julian said standing beside me "my house" I said walking out the room to see Sofia waiting.

"Girl I'm sorry I can't come over anymore I finally got a job interview" she said happily I smiled back at her "it's all good I have a partner project anyways"

She hugged me and made her way to her next class when I turnt around Julian was still there "we have the same classes" he said gesturing me towards him.

"How'd you know" I said looking up at him I felt so small next to him he had to be at least 5'11.

"I saw your schedule on the table earlier"he said picking up his pace I nodded and we made our way to our class.

The day went by fast in every class Julian was there and finally in the last one Sofia was there too.

They seemed to get along great. Last period bell rang and the 3 of us made our way out the classroom.

"Julian hurry up!" I said plopping in the drivers seat him running up and jumping to the passenger seat.

Sofia came out placing her hands on her hips "Sir that is MY seat!" She said annoyed.

I looked at the both of them "umm...don't you have an interview right now?" I asked her.

"O-Oh...right" she said scratching the back of her head. Do you need a ride or something she shook her hands "no no I'll take the bus"

We waved goodbye and we pulled off Julian talking my ear off the the whole car ride something about school being dumb I don't really know I stopped listening.

A/N: hope you enjoyed the first chapter please Comment & Vote! <3

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