15- Ezra

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Lia's POV
Kai pressed me against the wall in his bedroom breathing down my neck making me anxious.

"We've been together 5 months I don't want to pressure you but I feel like I'm ready"

I pressed my lips against his desperately and he took the hint moving my body over to his bed.

"I'll take that as a yes...I'll be gentle"


The sun came through the window and hit my face making me squirm from the feeling.

"Good morning darling" he said placing his hand on my cheek rubbing it with his thumb.

"Good morning baby" I replied back with a smile nuzzling my face more into his bare chest making him wrap his arms around me.

"Can we take the next step?" He asked his fingers ghosting over my back soothingly.

What's the next step? I asked looking up at him I could see he was super nervous to answer the question so he pulled me back in.

"I understand if you say no but...I want you and Ezra to move in with me."

I laid back on the pillow starring up at the ceiling "I don't know it's so soon..and Ezra is so young.."

"Darling I know but..just give me the chance to show you that I can treat the both of you right I'll treat Ezra as if he's my own..what do you say?"

I thought about it and I really want Ezra to have a father figure and I do love Kai and I trust him endlessly but, I also trusted Julian and you saw how that ended..But I really didn't want to compare the two.

"Ok I'll move in with you"

He smiled happily at me and I smiled back "I can't wait" he said snuggling his face into my neck.


I placed Ezra's stuffed animals into the box as he sat on the blanket giggling as he played with his blocks.

"Honey..I want you to take things slow with Kai honestly I do want you to move in with Kai because you need that closure and you deserve it just make sure your cautious your not a kid anymore you have a baby now."

I shook my head indicating I understood as the moving people came in to my room collecting our boxes.

I picked up Ezra and strapped him into the car seat walking out to meet Kai in the car.

Ezra immediately reached for Kai wanting him to hold him making Kai respond in a baby voice "I have to drive but I promise I'll hold you once we get home"

I giggled as Ezra cooed at his words we arrived at his house which is now "our house"

It took about 3 hours to unpack mine and Ezra's things Kai insisted that Ezra had his own room so I set up his room beside ours.

I walked into the kitchen to see Kai holding Ezra as he giggled in his arms him feeding him the baby food.

I smiled at the sight when Ezra gave away my presence "ma-ma" he said putting his hands towards me in a grabbing motion.

"Do you want to go on a walk?" I asked
"Sure let's walk to the park" Kai responded.

I get Ezra's coat and my coat putting it in the 2 of us and Kai came down wearing his "ok let's go"

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