12- Him or Him?

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"I'm sorry hun I really didn't know he was like that" my dad said frowning at me.

Really it's fine maybe I should look for someone myself I really appreciate your concern but I got this I said dressing Ezra in his onesie.

I'm going to the bank today to set up a savings account for Ezra's future I'll see you later I said placing him in his carry on car seat.


I took Ezra in my arms and walked into the bank going to the front desk to check in.

"I'm here to create a savings account" I said to the lady at the desk I read her name tag "Raven Choi" I followed her back to a room and she told me the accountant will be here shortly so I played with Ezra as I waited.

"Hello ma'am so your here to make a savings account just put in the last 4 numbers of your social here and sign below here Lia."

When he said my name I looked up and my eyes met with his "...Julian?"

"Hi princess" he said back as if we didn't end on a bad note as if we were still together.

I quickly put in the numbers and signed the paper and pushed it towards him and the desk "if that's all I'll be taking my leave"

I stood to my feet and walked towards the door "what I can't even see my son?" I didn't even need to turn around to know he was smirking at me.

I just kept walking and he pulled my arm which happened to be the arm Ezra was laying on seconds later he was crying.

"Shhh it's ok Ezra mommy's here" I said bouncing him as I flung Julian's arm off of me.

"You named him Ezra?" He asked looking over my shoulder at him "...yes" I said walking out the door of his office.

He followed me all the way to the car it was quite annoying feeling his presence behind me.

"Julian stop following me" I said fastening him into his car seat "can we just catch up for a little..please"

"There is nothing in my life that you need to be informed on and there is nothing in your life I want to hear about" I said getting in my car and driving away.


"I know Sofia he really tried me!" I said eating the icing off the spoon that she gave me.

"Just forget about him already he's irrelevant to your life get a new partner, get under some Lia!" I scoffed at her and she giggled "so I can accidentally get pregnant again no thank you!"

"That's what birth control is for estúpida!" She said placing Ezra on the bed to sleep.

"Anyway I made a account for you on this app called BuzzDate and you already have 10 matches" I quickly snatched the the phone from her scrolling through the people.

"Sofia why would you do that without even asking m-...wait he's kinda cute" I said clicking on a profile.

She laughed at me "I knew you'd like him"

Name: Kai Moto
Age: 26
Ethnicity: Japanese
Gender: Male
Occupation: Brain Surgeon
Likes: kids, the beach, art, and reading
Has kids: No

I clicked on his profile and decided to text him.

L: hello 😊

K: hello darling!
I guess we are a match <3

L: yes very exciting

K: so should we go on a date?

L: that sounds lovely

K: how about a public place like a restaurant since it's our first time meeting?

L: yes how about xxxx at 12:30 tomorrow afternoon?

K: I'll be there! <3

Kai's POV

I opened BuzzDate to see that I got my first match

Name: Lia Kim
Age: 20
Ethnicity: Korean American/ African American
Gender: Female
Occupation: College Student (3rd year)
Likes: kids, having fun, sleeping, family, and friends
Had kids: yes (1)

She sounds pretty promising and she's beautiful I've always wanted to have kids but I can't so I would be more than happy to call her son mine.

She's young but responsible I go for younger women because the ones my age are either married or just messing around the famous hit it and quit it and I'm not about that life I want to cherish my partner.

"Lia Kim...she's beautiful hopeful this isn't a fake account or a 50 year old women"


Still Kai's POV

I woke up to my alarm at 5 in the morning I had to go to work again I had a surgery at 6:30am and I needed to get prepared.

I walked down stairs and Mrs. Lee my maid greeted me I bowed to her and made my way to the kitchen were my breakfast was already prepared.

"Thank you Mr. Knowels" I said to my chef taking a bite of my of my biscuit and fruit.

"Guess what Mr. Knowels! I said drinking my orange juice"

Mr. Knowels basically raised me my whole life while my parents were on their business trips which was basically everyday but Christmas unless they decided to celebrate it without me he starting working at my house when I moved out my parents house.

"I have a date today she's very pretty and she has a son too" I said excitedly.

"Son don't get too excited make sure she really loves you before you introduce her to all the money you have make sure she in it for you and you alone and don't get so caught up in the fact she has a kid you need to like her not what she has!"

I sighed "I know I'm not going to be in it for her son I promise and she doesn't seem like a gold digger at all.."

"Your so naive boy"

"Whatever thanks for the food I got to get work now I have a surgery soon!"

I went back up stairs and got dressed and I decided to text Lia.

K: can't wait until later! <3

L: aww your so sweet I can't wait either!

K: see you at 12:30

L: <3

Lia's POV

I giggled like a little kid at his text the fact that he checked in this morning is so sweet of him.

I tiptoed out my room so I didn't wake Ezra and went to the living room to see my parents watching tv and Jackson preparing for school.

"Daddy I got a date today!" I said jumping on the couch beside him. He smiled at me widely "well tell me about him!" He said excitedly.

"Well he's really handsome, he's a surgeon, he's older he's like 26 if I remember correctly, he's ok with the fact that I have a kid, he's really kind, ahh he even texted me this morning to check in on me!"

My dad smiled at me happily "wow I happy to see you this happy over a guy again" I smiled and turned to watch the movie on the screen thinking about the words my father said.

Kai seems pretty promising do you think that Lia will end up with him or go back to Julian?

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