17- End

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Lia's POV
Ezra just turnt 2 last week and me and Kai felt we were ready for another kid since we got married a year ago we had been trying for a kid since we went to the doctor and they said Kai's chances of being able to put a child in me went from a 19% chance to a 30% without reason.

The amount of stress we went trough trying to have a kid was tremendous so we recently decided we would adopt a kid starting as foster parents.

We went to an adoption center and met a group of kids all under the age of 7. A little girl caught my eye she was only 2 years old just like Ezra and she was quite giggly despite her situation.

I picked her up and she played with my hair happily she reminded me so much of Ezra the way she smiled and just her mannerisms in general.

Kai came over holding a little boys hand as he walked beside him jumping excitedly he pouted when he saw me holding the little girl in my hands.

"You want her instead?" He said pouting his lower lip sticking out I looked up at Kai and he looked at me with pleading eyes.

I placed the little girl down and he pulled me into his arms "I hate that these kids are stuck in here" he said sadly I wiped his slightly teary eyes and we looked down at the boy beside him who smiled happily up at us.

"Lia..he's definitely the kid I want to raise" he whispered into my ear as I looked up at him. I turned around to see the little girl I was just holding starring at me still smiling.

"But.." I said not even being able to get my full sentence out when the caregiver came over to us.

"Ooh I see you've met Kalen" the lady said waving to the little boy who still held Kai's hand I smiled at the lady and she began to speak again.

"Kalen actually has a twin sister Vanessa" she said pulling the little girl I was previously holding over to use.

I grinned ear to ear and lifted her into my arms "ooh so you names Vanessa?!" I said cooing at the little girl who giggled once again.

I put her down and I turned to Kai who was smiling at me my face suddenly sank when I thought about the facts.

"Baby 2 kids is a lot and Ezra is still young himself ..and we couldn't possibly separate them they're twins.

Kai pulled me into a hug rubbing circles on my back "we..we should raise them both Kalen and Vanessa I know it will be slightly harder but we'll get through this let's try?" He said into my ear.

"I guess we could see how it goes as we foster them and if it's a fit we could adopt them.


I put Kalen and Vanessa in the back seat as we drove to pick up Ezra from daycare. The 4 of us got out the car and walked into the daycare.

Ezra ran up to me happily when he saw I was there I picked him up and he started rambling about how good his day was today.

"Whose he?" Vanessa said standing beside me looking up at us Ezra furrowed his eyebrows at me then at the little girl and boy "who are they mommy?" He said not liking the sight of other kids especially since Kalen was in Kai's arms.

I ignored Ezra's question and took Vanessa and Ezra's hand as Kai held Kalen in his arms and we walked out the daycare.

We buckled them all in there car seats and Ezra sat pouting I looked at him through the mirror and sighed at his reaction to the 2 other kids.

"Ezra...you told me you wanted another brother or sister didn't you?" I asked he made a face at me and I turned around and glared at him as Kai chuckled driving the car.

"He'll come around don't worry baby.." he said reassuringly I sighed at sat back in my seat.


Once we got to the house we decided it was bedtime for all the kids since it was 9pm.

I opened the room in which laid 2 small beds we had bought 2 since we didn't know if we'd be welcoming a girl or a boy lucky we had 2.

I lead Vanessa to the purple colored bad and Kalen to the red colored bed as Ezra sat in the doorway watching.

I tucked in Kalen and kissed him forehead as he smiled cheekily "can I call you mommy..I never call nobody that and he does it so I want to too" he said adorably pointing to Ezra.

I thought for a second I didn't want him to get attached to me just in case but I also didn't want to make him sad or upset so I decided to agreed.

"Yes Kalen you can call me mommy!" I said pulling the blanket up over his chest.

I walked to the other side of the room and Vanessa laid patiently waiting for me "can I call you that too!" She said excitedly, I stroked her hair as she laid down "of course honey" I said tucking her under turning to see Ezra.

My little boy stood teary eyed in the doorway and when we made eye contact he turned and ran to his room Kai came out the room at the same time looking at me in confusion.

I pulled Kai to follow me into Ezra's room as he laid on his bed tears spilling uncontrollably with no intention to stop.

"Bub what's wrong?" I asked rubbing his back laying on his little bed as Kai kneeled beside the bed next to me.

"You like them more than me.." he sniffled making my eyes go wide at his statement.

"Ezra Daniel how could you say something like that! Mommy always loves you no matter who comes into our lives! I said pulling him into my chest.

Kai rubbed my back knowing Ezra was going to make me cry myself I slowly backed away from holding Ezra and looked at him.

"Vanessa and Kalen will probably be your sister and brother in the future and your going to have to excerpt that..and I'll love all 3 of you the same but you always remember that mommy loves you hmm?

He shook his head yes and I kissed his forehead tucking him in "ok now me and daddy are going to sleep you do the same.."

Kai kissed Ezra's cheek and we walked to our bedroom in front of the kids rooms.

I laid down on the bed sighing and Kai came behind me cuddling up to me "you know I love you right?" He whispered in my ear.

"Of course hun" I said smiling turning to face him "and I'm forever sorry that I'm not able to give you a child of our own" he said rubbing my back.

I backed away and looked him in the eyes "you always say that..stop I'm happy with the little family we have I want to adopt the twins and make our family whole Kai" He pulled me again and smiled happily.

"then let's sign those papers baby"

It has come to an end boys and girls!
I'm really glad to finally be able to show off my fully finished story lol.

Please Comment and Vote to show support and I'm sorry if the ending was bad I'm still working on my writing skills as you can see hopefully my next story will be better please go check out my other stories if you enjoyed this thank you very very much for reading byeee!

Ended: 12/1/2020 <3

Upheaval ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora