7- Past recognition

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I told the story well to my stepdad and of course I ended in my tears partly joy because I finally told him and partly fear and anxiety because it brought back things I didn't want to remember.

I sat there as my dads mind ran rapid I could see it all in his face but for some reason he looked disappointed when he looked at us.

"We've been married how long...7 and a half years and I'm just now being informed on this!" He said turning to my mom infuriated.

"I just didn't know how!" She said and they started back and forth between each other.

"STOP!" I said standing to my feet hands literally shaking "I can't take the fighting..not again" I whispered loud enough for them to hear.

My stepdad pulled me closer onto his chest "Lia I promise I would never hurt you...I love you" he said kissing the top of my head.

"I know dad...I'm going to take Jackson out for a bit so you guys can talk" I grabbed my keys and walked to the Jackson's room.

"Jackson get dressed so we can go out" I said opening his door to see him half sleep on his bed.

When he saw a glimpse of me he got up and hugged me "sissy your still here!" He said now jumping.

"Yes get dressed ok?"


Me and Jackson arrived at Julian's house and Jackson immediately ran to Julian "I haven't seen you in so long!"

Julian ruffled his hair and took him into the house as I followed behind the 2.

I ran over to Sofia who was still in the same position she was when I left.

"My bestie is finally back"  Sofia said pulling me onto the couch wrapping her arms around me.
"Let's watch Netflix!" She said poking me annoyingly I agreed and the 4 of us settled down on the couch together.

After the movie we went out to eat dinner at Jackson's choice which was Burger King we finally finished eating and it was around 10 o'clock at night so we decided to drop Jackson off at my parents house and head back to Julian's.

Julian's POV
We arrived home after dropping off Jackson and Lia seemed a little off afterwards.

"Baby what's wrong" I said hugging her from behind she sighed as she pulled me up the stairs to our bedroom.

She sat on the bed and patted the space beside her.
"I told him..I finally told my stepdad" I rubbed her back immediately understanding.

"He was so supportive" she said as tears streamed down her face "my mom made it seem like he would hate us..so I was terrified but, he promised to never hurt me like him"

That's great news I said smiling ear to ear at her who smiled back at me.

"Ok I'm tired" Lia said kissing me on the lips tucking herself under the blankets me follow her actions.

Sorry it's really short but I did a double update today, please Vote and Comment

(Yes it's still Halloween) #DoublePost 💗

Upheaval ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora