16- custody battle

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January rolled around and the 17th approached since the day the court day was scheduled I haven't been able to let go of Ezra every second he's in my arms and if he's not I'm bawling my eyes out scared that someone is going to take him.

Kai has been a great emotional support and he's gotten us a reliable lawyer that is very known.

"So Ezra is 9 months old now?" The lawyer asked sitting in front of us trying to remember everything that we told him over the last 2 months.

"Yes sir" he shook his head and wrote down something in his notebook "and he's never had any contact with his father?" I looked down fidgeting with my hands "no sir.."

"That's going to be a problem that will be constantly brought up in court the fact that you've never allowed Ezra to have a relationship with his father is going to make a big loop holes for them"

I shook my head in understanding and he placed his book inside his bag standing to his feet and leading us into the room.

We walked to the left side of the stands and I sat beside Kai who held my hand tightly in comfort.

My lawyer walked up to the stand and I watched as Julian's did the same while he sat next to his wife.

"I am here as Lia Kim's lawyer" he said raising his hand beside his face.

"I am here as Julian Choi's lawyer" the man said on the opposite side.

"So we are here to discuss the custody of Ezra Daniel Choi today on January 17th we may start"

The lawyer on the opposite side brought out a piece of paper and placed it on his stand.

"Mrs.Kim has not allowed Mr.Choi to see his son since he was born but instead has allowed another man to take his roll without speaking to him about it"

"Objection!" Mr.Han my lawyer said annoyed by his flakey evidence.

"Overruled" the judge said allowing him to continue speaking.

"Due to the fact that Ezra isn't allowed into Julian's life Julian would suffer from many problems without the presence of his child"

I squeezed Kai's hand at his words that were clearly bull and Kai pulled me closer to him "it ok" I slightly let the pressure on his hand go and my lawyer spoke again.

The judge looked at him and allowed for Mr.Han my lawyer to speak finally.

"If Mr.Choi is so unstable I don't think he should be caring for a child in the first place and not to mention that fact that Mr.Choi and Ms.Kim here were never married therefore she is not required to let you see Ezra the child is legally hers and hers only until you have brought it to the attention of the court and you just now after Ezra being 9 months are bringing it to the court to Handle therefore everything that has happened before those 9 months are irrelevant to this situation because you never cared enough to look for your son..until you saw Ms.Kim here with another man...isn't that right Mr.Choi?"

Mr.Han stood there with his hands intertwined as he waited for Julian to answer his questions since the judge call him up to the podium at this point.

"I did care for Ezra very much but I didn't know how to get in touch with her she blocked my number as well as in all social media"

"So your telling me that you did not know where Mrs.Kim was living?"

"Well I do but-"

"That's is all your honor" Mr.Han said bowing to the judge and going to sit.

Julian sat there in shock for a minute before he stepped down and went to sit back behind his lawyer.

"Ms.Kim please proceed to the podium" Mr.Kang Julian's lawyer said.

Upheaval ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora