13- meeting

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Lia's POV
"Ezra" I said bouncing him up and down on my lap as he giggled at the cartoon in front of him.

He watched the TV with such wide eyes it was so adorable "aw baby your drooling" I wiped his mouth and he giggled at my touch.

At that moment I felt so blessed to have Ezra in my life although it may have been a bad start with his father I got something good out of it.

Ok baby mommy has a date I said in my baby voice as I laid him down and changed his diaper.

His body pressed on my arm and I felt the hotness of him. "Why so giggly when you have a fever" I frowned and walked to get the baby thermometer and put it in the appropriate place to check his temperature.

101.4 I said frowning at the temperature I can't go on a date when my baby is suffering.

I changed his diaper and held him try to make his temper go down.

My mom was out with her girl friends and my dad was working over time this weekend while Jackson was at our Aunt D's house and Sofia was out of town.

I didn't know what to do I started to panic as Ezras giggly state started to go down he was getting fussy and he was clearly uncomfortable.

I was about to get into the car but I remembered that I let Sofia barrow my car so I was stuck.

Sofia was suppose to be back for my date but that's not for another 2 hours so it left me no choice I had to call Kai.

Lia: are you busy?

Kai: never too busy for you

Lia: aww but on a more serious note I know this is a really bad first impression but could you please drive me to the hospital...it's an emergency

Kai: of course! Send your address and I'll be there ASAP Lia

Lia: your a life saver it's xxxxxxx

Kai: on my way

I slipped my shoes back on and put Ezra in light clothes since he already had a fever.

5 minutes later I heard a knock on the door and I opened it to see Kai and dang did he look good in person.

I smiled to him and allowed him to walk in as I went over to Ezra and put him in the carry on car seat.

I hopped in his car telling him I'd go in the back seat to watch Ezra.

Then it dawned on me..I'm getting in a strangers car..with my 3 month old son yeah not my brightest moment but I'm desperate Ezra is little and a fever is far worst for some one his age.

Ezra started crying interrupting my thoughts and I looked down at him and he was red now Ezra is a dark baby since he is part black so to see him turning a different Sade like that scared me.

"Omg Ezra!" I tried moving the seat belt thinking maybe it was too tight but it didn't help he just screamed more.

"I know baby mommy's here I'm right here!" Tears started to form in my eyes and all I could think of was my mother's words

"A baby can sense when someone is sad or scared so don't be sad for him"

I saw kai peer into the mirror at me
"Hold on we are almost there just 2 more minutes"

We finally arrived and Kai parked and I jumped out grabbing Ezra in my arms.

I walked into the hospital going up to the front desk "my son..I don't know what's wrong with him he has a fever and he has unusual stool and-

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