Night Once More

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'Ace and Casper? What...what was going on? It seemed like ever since that AWOL night everything has been falling apart. What was going on?!' Bina was trying so hard to get her mind off of the words the boy had said. She just couldn't. It's just...everything was going crazy and she hasn't even seen Ace once yet. How could they be fighting anyway? This was his first day back.

Looking up she could tell Cato was acting his casual, standoffish self that made most people believe he didn't care about anything. Why wasn't this guy getting it? Cato obviously doesn't want this other human in here, so why push his buttons?

"Ok? So why are you not in your own room? It's just downstairs. I am not going to get in trouble for your stupid actions." Cato expressed a bit too aggressively. "So if you don't mind, get out."

"Oh come now, Kate. You can't say you didn't miss me, plus I've been gone for what? A week? I had to see my closest friend before being locked back up in that cell they call a room. It's so small. How did you concentrate?" The male with orangish hair walked around Cato picking up a few pieces of paper from Cato's bed. "You writing your thoughts again?" He plopped down on the bed causing many of the items to tumble to the ground. Both borrowers could hear an irritated sigh from their protector signaling he didn't want any of this.

"Just get out. Please?"

"Come now, Kate you spend too much time alone here. You have to give me some type of breach I missed ye."

The two borrowers were shaking. Even the human could sense their uneasiness. Neither of them have met this youth, but from his appearance, Bina had an idea of who this was. His vocabulary though just nailed it on the head. This was Night. He showed up about a few months ago, but he had very strong family ties. The only reason he was here was because he made some decisions in his life that were not too smart. All of them were split-second decisions to soothe his anger or impress people who were of higher status in his mind. You know those types of people. The one's that are the same age as you, but you still are jealous of them. You would do anything to hang out with them and not be the third wheel or straggler. To be equal in their eyes. He must have recently come back from a home visit, walking right into a fight that broke out downstairs.

From her observations about this human she knew...he was just weird and out there. There was only one thing to fear and that was his anger. He always wore bandannas that staff told him to take off because it was supporting something called a gang. He would always get aggravated, but take it off so he wouldn't get in trouble. The bandanas were always red for some reason. On top of this, he always talked in this weird voice. She heard some humans talk like him that came from the city, but his was always off somehow, just not exactly like the other humans. She always saw Ace and Casper hang out with him, but call him a fake behind his back. Cato was the only one who seemed to respect him but wasn't afraid to lecture him like an adult.

"Will you seriously stop calling me that?" Cato walked up to Night extending a hand out towards the smaller teen. He wasn't scared to grab it but did have a jerk reaction when Cato pulled him up by that very arm in an aggressive manner. "Now. I enjoy talking to you, but you need to leave."

"Ei. I get it. Stop pressuring me. I know you like your space " Night brushed off his clothing and made sure to adjust the bandanna on his head so it was perfect before heading towards the door.

Hearing those words allowed Cato to relax his body.

"Oh my God! What are those?"

The black-haired humans head shot up at those words. Did he step to the side too far? He could only watch helplessly as the orange-haired nuisance shot his body over to the very desk he was trying to hide. To the very place, the two borrowers were standing in fear.

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