31. Wait you read it too!?

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Okay, before I start I just want to give you guys all hugs. For a couple of days, I was thinking of canceling this, but you guys (the few who read this lol I'm acting like it's a thousand when it's like...10. But whatevs! Who cares?) made me feel like I should keep on going. You have no idea how happy I was yesterday. Tysm! ☺️ 😊

Special thanks to @Biana-Vacker-rules @KEEPPERFANSOKEEFE @Twinwritersforever  and @BianaFan4ever 

(@KEEPPERFANSOKEEFE I hope this satisfies your Darella needs😉)

Your comments-even on my regular conversation-however simple they may be, really made me feel happy

Okay! Onto the one-shot!

Human AU

Marella POV:

"BlablablaaaaaaaaablablablaaaaaaaaaaaScienceTalkblablablaaaaaachemistryblablablaaaaaaaaachemicalcompoundsblablaaaaaaaaaa-Group Projects-"

My head snapped up. I had sort of been dozing off. Only sort of. But a group project?!?!? Oh noooo. Uuuuuurrrrgrgggghhhhh.

"I'll be assigning partners-" Dang it "-Jensi Blabbos and Valin Last-Name, Biana Vacker and Tam Song, Sophie Foster and Keefe Sencen, Fitz Vacker and Chandi Leir, Marella Redek and-"

Oh gosh please make me pair up with someone who will leave me alone urrrrgrghhhhhh

"-Dex Dizznee. Pair up, you kids!" I had never wanted to kill Mr. Kerlof any more than I wanted to right then. Stupid group projects. 

Then this cute boy with blue-ish purple-ish eyes and strawberry blond hair started walking up to me. Seriously, what was it with this town and all of us basically having only blue eyes? There must be something in the water here. 

Anyways this boy, Dex, probably, came over to me while fidgeting. "Um..hi, I'm uh, I'm Dex."

"I know," I stated. 

"Oh, um, great...yeah." It took all of my self-control to not laugh at this guy.

 "Um, should we get started?" He asked nervously

"Right. Sure."

We worked for the rest of the period, deciding on our topic and form of presentation. Turns out Dex really knows what he was talking about. "You seem to really like chemistry."

"Oh uh, yeah." He said blushing. "My dad's kinda a chemistry boof, and I guess that just rubbed off on me. He's always going on about the weirdest things." I nodded.

Aaaaaaaaannnnd back to awkward working and silence. Great.


"Hey, Marella! Who was that boy you were talking to?" I whirled my head as my best friend, Biana Vacker, sat at one of the cafeteria tables with our other friend Sophie Foster. Sophie was one of the only kids in this town with brown-eyes. 

"This guy named Dex Dizznee? He seems a little geeky. Mr. Kerlof paired him up with me for chemistry."

"Oh! Dex! He's my cousin!" Biana and I looked over at Sophie. We started laughing and talking about meaningless things. I looked up and saw Dex going over to a bench with his lunch. I don't know why-I'd never really pitied anyone before-but I waved him over. "HEY DEX! COME SIT OVER HERE!"

Dex looked startled but obliged. We all sat together but I didn't miss the knowing look Biana gave me. 


After 2 days and 30 minutes, I found myself working with Dex again in Chemistry. Our project was due tomorrow, but we had finished yesterday. We were currently just talking about random things when I noticed something. 

"I know. It's almost as annoying as the Owners of the Gone Town's septagon of oblivion."

I froze with my jaw slightly dropped. "Wait you read it too!?" I asked him.

Dex's face lit up. "Yeah! You?"

"Yes!!! And I totally agree. I mean the Lunabird's the WORST for her oblivion. Like, come on! She has both Ditz AND Leif! And that Deck guy at the start!"

"Do you want to know something weird?" Dex whispered. 

I nodded and leaned closer. "I used to ship Deck with her."

I made a mock gasp. "But they're basically siblings!"

"Eh. Doesn't matter. I ship Deck and that fire-y girl-Karella-now."

We kept on geeking out for the rest of the period. When I left class though, I couldn't help but smile. Darella was pretty cute together.


"Dex-I remember the day I started falling for you. Chemistry class, you read it as well. Walking out of that class you put a smile on my face. Because those two soulmates have a ship called Darella. They were like fire and water. Well-really fire and tech. Just like us. Us two geeks. But what I didn't realize at the start was that their ship was Darella. Dex-we also are Darella. And we are also geeks. But instead of being geeks on our own, let's be that classic geek love. We're too cute to pass up." We both started crying tears of joy and love. Staring into each other's eyes as our grade 10 chemistry teacher officiated our wedding. Weird vows, weird wedding. It was geeky. It was us.

"You may now kiss the groom."

We all knew that wasn't what it was supposed to be, but Mr. Kerlof knew the two of us. I gladly obliged.

Darella forever.

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