sober thoughts

193 6 15

The tired brunette scrolled on her phone to pass time, boringly checking instagram.

She was going through her direct message requests, since she had a fair share of them. She nearly had twenty thousand followers on the app, which she still doesn't really know what for.

She never really thought of herself as that special, and if anything she always assumed that she would be one of those people who ditched the whole social media thing.

She hates the idea of a social media account in general, especially since it's mostly just a bunch of pretty girls hiding away all of their flaws and problems and easily giving people the image that they're perfect.

That's what she hates.

They're teaching people that apparently you have to look like these photoshopped girls to be pretty. That you have to look a certain way to be "instagram worthy," 

Millie likes to keep her account as real as she can, every once and a while sharing bare faced photos with no makeup or effort to look like the other people on the internet. 

Because that isn't real. They always show themselves at their best, and she's over that.

While she will admit that it sometimes does get hard to not compare herself to others, she's trying her very hardest to cut that feeling out.

She is the only person who can define her beauty. 

She got snapped out of her thoughts when she stumbled upon one message request, belonging to someone named Iris. 

irisapatow: hi, can we be friends? :)

She accepted the request, typing out a short but friendly response before hitting the send button.

milliebobbybrown: hey!! yeah ofc we can! 


She looked up from her phone when she heard the shouting of her best friend, only to be hit in the face with a pillow he had thrown at her. 

"Can we go now?" he questioned as he crossed his arms, looking around at the current house they were in that was currently filled with dancing teenagers.


"Ugh, you're literally just on your phone. Remind me why we're here again?" he curiously asked, staring at his slightly irritated friend as she rolled her eyes.

"Because you said you were gonna make an effort, remember?"

"Actually, i believe that Sadie said that. I made no such promise." he replies, taking a sip of the drink he had in a red solo cup and completely ignoring the guilt tripping look he was getting from Millie.

"Where is Sadie anyways?" the brunette questioned, looking around the crowded room from the comfortable sofa she sat on. 

"She's with Sophia. Apparently she tried alcohol for the first time and then got wasted." he replied with a shrug, which for some reason grew her annoyance towards him even stronger at the fact that he could not care less.

"No, i think you've had enough- Sophia!"

Millie turned her head towards the direction of the familiar voices, only to see her two friends. One who was trying to pull a drink away, and the other who kept bringing it to their mouth.

"It's actually really good! It tastes like, like, like pineapple!" the short haired girl exclaimed, causing Sadie to furrow her eyebrows at the fact that they had been drinking rum and coke, which tasted far from pineapples.

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