✦ Fuck the Homosapien's Agenda ✦

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what's up?? this one isn't spooky, but it is a simon vs. the homosapien's agenda au so,,,, enjoii :*


Gerard hadn't quite known how it had all started.

It had started just as a simple, near meaningless post on the school website -- late at night, and Gerard curled up cross-legged with his laptop atop his bed -- instantly tugged Gerard in straight by the heartstrings, curious and in immediate need of more knowledge.

i'm just like u. broken like the rocks beneath our feet. shattered like the mirrors veiled behind magician's curtains. i wish u'd see me for me. past the lies and past the truths. push away the past and let the future in. think less of who i used to be, hidden behind a mask, and more of who i am. wild and free and soaring over a valley of broken glass. until i fall. i fall so fast and i crash so hard and i tumble into the tainted remains of what was once beautiful...

sexuality is not a choice. if it were, the skies would open up and the seas would part. we'd emerge valiant and even stronger than before. i am not weak and i am not any less of who i used to be. i'm finally myself. finally who i was meant to be. and the truth? i'm just. like. u. --xoxoghoul

Gerard had been subconsciously leaning in closer to the screen of his laptop, furrowing his eyebrows as he reread and reread and reread -- his breath hitching as he leaned back, blinking silently.

"Ghoul..." He had whispered to himself, tracing his touch over the screen before moving his cursor to hover over the email address linked to the account posting -- his fingers hesitating before he clicked the address, taking a deep breath as he wrote out a message.

Dear Ghoul, I saw your post on the school website. The poem about sexuality. I really like it... it's beautiful. I'm gay too. It takes courage to post that. Nobody knows about me, I could assume it's the same for you? Maybe we could talk sometime, if you wanted, of course... -- G

He had blinked largely before looking away and clicking send -- cringing at his awkwardness and how goddamn desperate he had sounded, but had gulped anyways -- turning back to the laptop and maneuvering back to the website.

His response had come a few hours later.

g, did u really? thank you for the nice comments. it really means a lot. and trust me, i'm full of anything but courage. shit, perhaps. that would be a far more suitable answer. that's a joke. somewhat. i'm scared. really scared. i suppose we're both closet buddies, hiding among the socks together, hm? i'd really enjoy talking to u, if ur still up for it. -- xoxoghoul

And well, he supposed that had been the beginning of it all -- the two immediately falling into a spiral of conversed and shared messages over email, spilling their secrets and trusting the other wholeheartedly, despite knowing nothing of the other's true identity.

Gerard's only clues were that they went to the same school, were both juniors, and that Ghoul greatly enjoyed Oreos. That was it. They both never quite felt the need to share any more than that, and were comfortable with the anonymity of the friendship that they had kindled together. While both deep down wished to themselves that they knew who their friend was, both would never share it with the other, in fear of scaring them away.

Frank sat on his stomach atop his mattress, giggling away through sheepish smiles as he typed out a response to G's latest email.

personally, i believe that misfits are superior to any other of those bands u just listed. really? besides possibly the pumpkins, how could u ever think that the fucking cure is better than misfits?? uncultured fool. jk, i still like u. just don't ever insult my taste like that again. i will come for u and ur morrissey obsession >:(

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