alone sunshine

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" Natsu Natsu " !, I yelled trying to get my little sister ready for school before I'm late. " Coming  Nii-chan I'm almost done". After she finished Natsu came running down stairs with her book bag. " Come on we going to miss the bus". Me and my sister  take the public bus sometimes my bike I feel we get there faster on my bike but Natsu is 6 and she is getting a little to big for it. We run outside  and saw the bus and quickly got on it and sat down. " We made it next I'm waking you up early young lady", " ok big brother ", she said while smiling at me.

When I finished dropping her off at school I went to school and ran to the for practice kageyama is going to be pissed at me for not being early.

I got inside the gym and said "  sorry I'm late guys I over slept", I said trying to catch my breath. " Hinata your actually just in time I have an announcement so everyone gather around please ", coach ukia said. We all stood around him and waited for the the announcement wondering what he was going to say.

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