i will protect you

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I was standing near my door freaking out and walking back an fourth. " Come on Come on Tsuki", I kept saying to my self the suddenly I heard a big loud knock on the door.

" Shit",I whispered. Then I got my self together and slowly open the door to see kageyama looking pissed. " Hey babe" I said hoping he would at least calm down a bit. " Don't babe me what the hell is wrong with you Hinata you got some nerve not answering my texts", he getting ready to slap me.

He kept yelling at me then out of no where Tsukishima grab his shoulder and said" who do you think you yelling at King". Oh my God thank goodness he's here a minute later it would have been my ass.  Kageyama got mad and said " I'm trying to have a conversation with my boyfriend so Fuck off beanstalk.

All of a sudden Tsuki punch kageyama leaving him weak on the ground. " You ok Sho", he said smiling. He called me Sho I started to blush. " Yeah do you want to come in", he smiled," sure".

When we got inside I lead Tsuki to my bed room and then told him to wait here as I get charged in my bathroom.

When I got out I ask Tsuki if he want to watch a movie he agreed so I put on a romantic horror and then we sat down on my bed and watch the movie.

Tsuki's POV

After Shoyo put on the movie we sat down on his bed but half way through the movie he fell asleep. He looked.so cute I couldn't lie to myself and I wanted to kiss him so bad it hurt. I didn't want anyone like kageyama to hurt him so I whispered in his ear " I will protect you my sun", I didn't think he could he hear meso I was shock when he whispered back" I hope you do my moon". I blushed then layed him down on the bed got right next to him and kissed his forehead. I will protect him no matter the cost.

That's a wrap folks better than I expected and you probably expected but what can I say y'all deserve nothing but the best😎 and next will be coming soon bye.

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