we got it pt 1

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Okay quick announcement I will probably be posting more this weekend because yeah I have no plans.  posting less around Christmas because yeah my family I just wanted to give y'all a heads up so yeah let's get it to it.

After years and years of coming up with ideas and pondering. Of where Shoyo is we have no idea I haven't slept in 4 days I've been thinking so hard ughh I hate this

I've been running out of ideas and felt so fucking stupid and useless and Kuro was just trying his best.

I started to think about this clue a little more I think I'm starting to get. I remember the things Kuro said that Sho would never step food in an I got it finally. Well at least I hope I'm right.

Me and Kuro headed for the old museum and when we got there is was the definition of CRUSTY  and from the outside it looked like coach ukai's ashtray. We both suck it up and went inside and after a few good hours of rummaging through things I finally went to a exhibit where there were mummies and on one of the  tombs there was a note.

Congratulations only one more task to take you should be okay.
I'm going to tell you where Shoyo is now abandoned factory now all you have to do Tsuki is get here. It is at .......... Can't way for you come bye.

I don't know if they are joking or is my baby really there damnnnnitt. I'm confused now.

Sorry it's short but yeah it's late and I have snacks to eat. Bye ♥️

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