getting Closer

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Me and Kuro rushed to my house to collect the note and like Yamaguchi said it was on the door step.

" Well Come on read it", Kuro rushed me

The letter

Congrats you made it this far child but don't get to excited if this was a celebration for people who have succeeded you wouldn't be invited.

Now the next clue is where Shoyo wouldn't never step foot in so this might not be simple
If you can't figure this you have the brain a size of a pimple.  Now this next place you go to might have items that are  ancient and old and some stories that remain untold.

From, then second stalker

After I read that all me and Kuro could think was WHAT THE FUCK. There is a damn second stalker damnit.

how were we supposed to figure this out but I knew we didn't have much time before something happenes to my sun so me and Kuro went back to his house and got to thinking.

" Okay Kuro I think we should collect all the data we have figured out so far", I said

" Good idea Tsuki so what is the first thing", he replied

I thought long and hard about this. Then I finally figured it out.

" Okay so all the places or people we went to were related to Sho right and we know this one is too so I need to focus on the first part of the clue for now a place Shoyo would never step foot in", I said.

" Well I can name a lot of places but I'm not sure which one they're talking about", Kuro said

" Well what are some of the places", I asked

" A basketball court, a library, a restaurant that doesn't serve meat buns, a jeweler store or any expensive store in the matter, a  live  basketball game, A college any college, a sports store that doesn't sell anything volleyball related, a hair salon,  any place where you learn something like a scientist camp, a...."

" Okay okay I got it there are lots of places my boyfriend would never go but I have a small idea of where he could be now we have to figure out the next clue", I interrupted kuro before he could say anything else.

" Okay that sounds good I'm glad we have a lead or at least an idea of what chibi-chan could be", he said forgetting that I interrupted him.

" Okay let's get to it", said

Oh God I hope I'm right about this my boyfriend can be serious trouble and I don't think I'd be able to live if anything happened to him I need to think along hard and focus because Shoyo's life depends on it.

Okay people y'all know the drill that's a wrap you know next part will be coming out soon so don't get too impatient with me but y'all never are so I'm not gonna complain oh an comment  who think the second person is because I randomly came up with the idea because I couldn't really decide who I wanted that stalker to really be or the other person but anyway bye 😗✌️. Oh before before you leave this chapter I'm really confident about that clue because the rest of my other clues are stupid this one might be easy but I'm happy with the rhymes I did comment if you like them or just message me do whatever you want okay I'm really leaving bye.

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