kidnapped pt 1

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Omg listen I looked in my old mirror and then I bought a new mirror and then it's like my old mirror says I  look pretty but it's that new mirror that finally told me the truth 🤣🤣🤣 anyway let's get on with the chapter

Kageyama POV

Have you ever just been so confused and love someone so much you do anything  well that's me I love Hinata so much in our relationship I was angry for some reason and took it out on him but then I saw him with Tsukishima And I got even mor angry but I didn't mean to do what I did and I will regret that for the rest of my life.

Okay so four weeks ago I met up with Kenma and ........ Then ........ Came up with a crappy crazy plan to stalk Hina I was apposed too it but then...... Showed me something I just went crazy.

4 weeks at the meeting spot

" Ok so...... What's up why did you want to meet up together and why did I have to come together", Kenma said.

" Well gentle men we have all have something in common for you know what that is", ??? Said.

" No but I sure would like to find out", Kenma said impatiently.

" I know we all love Hinata", I said

" Yes Kageyama that is correct so this is what we are going to do we are going to kidnapped Sho and make him ours deal", ???? Said proudly.

" I don't know should we".

" Yes Kageyama and I have something that might chat your name", he pulled out a photo of Tsukishima and Hinata.

I don't know why I did it but I got so frustrated and angry that he was with Sho.

" Let's do it", me and Kenma said at the same time.

" Excellent let's get to it", ?????, Said.

Back to the present and that's what happened and have been planning since then and we strike soon sorry Sho but you'll thank me later my Sunshine and you will forget Tsukishima's name.

Okay all that's it part two is coming soon hope you like this twist and comment who you think the other person is bye.

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