" I'm not mad mad I'm damn mad"

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We got the last clue and he straight up told me I didn't know if they were lying or not but didn't care I need to find Shoyo.

So we and Kuro starting planning right away.

He came walking in the living room with a big ass sheet if paper.

I just kept blinking and smiling  wondering whyy the hell does he have a big ass paper.

" Kuro...why .. do you have that?", I asked

" Well your not the only smart one I came up with a plan for us to get Chibi-chan", he said proudly.

I sighed at less he is trying.

" Come on Kuro we don't have time  for plans but I appreciate you trying we need to go heads in first and get my boyfriend and I know how we are going to do it".

" Okay Tsuki how".

We are going to..........

With Shoyo

I have been sitting in that same dark room and luckily they have been feeding me but still I miss Tsuki and all my friends. ( The team doesn't know Sho has been kidnapped)

The kenma came skipping in the room with a flashlight so I could see clearly.

" Hey Sho how are you do you love me yet", he said.

" No, well maybe in another life Kenma"
His eyes lite up. " REALLY".

" Hmm no maybe in a dimension but life i wouldn't count on it we can still be friends I hope"

Shoyo's thoughts

* Sike bitch I don't want to be friends after what you did go to hell*

Back to both of em

" It doesn't matter anyway you will soon be mine", he smiled and laughed creepily.

" You mean mine and shut up with weirdo", a voice said.

It was kageyama once I got a good look oh boy.

" Hey Sho you okay", he asked

" Do I look like I'm okay or do you need glasses", I rolled my eyes and turned my head.

He sighed and looked down.

" I'm sorry sho I understand if your mad".

" I'm not mad kageyama .. I'M DAMN MAD ASSHOLE", I yelled. " Like don't you get it apparently not because I'm still here and your still confused we... Are..OVER and I have a wonderful boyfriend now who loves me and cares you would learned a thing or two from him".

" I'm sorry sho" he started to cry.

" Look who is crying now", I smiled and felt complete.
" Go away with your tears kageyama me and Sho are busy", Kenma said.

I need to get out of here before I completely lose my mind, religion, and sanity.

Kay y'all that's that Hope you like it bye😗✌️❤️

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