Chapter 21|22:35 - 22:55 p.m.

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We are laughing chaotically, literally roll around on the couch while clapping like a seal. The innocent person that we just called his name out is the cause why our hearts were burning hotter than ever lately.

"Poor Hyunjinnie." I hold my stomach trying to suppress the pain I got from laughing too much.

"We got jealous of the same person." Minho hyung let out the rest of his laughter muted.

"No wonder why Hyunjin's nickname is the prince," I said while Hyunjin's face flashes through my mind.

"It should be longer, the dangerous prince who can steal your crush's heart if you're not quick enough to confess."

"Way too longer hyung." I make an ugly sleepy face.

"You both were such a nuisance to my eyes and my heart. Stuck together like a magnet, all I could do was watching and smiling through the pain." He pretends to wipe his non-existent tears.

I'm chuckling at Minho hyung's silly acting. Someone give this man an award please.

"Hyunjin is just my best friend, he is a really kind and nice person." I help him wiping his completely dry eyes.

"Even the whole world knows that." He rolls his eyes and left the white side on show.

"Fix your eyes, you terrify me." I dilate Minho hyung's eyes with my thumb and index finger, blow them a little to summon the brown one.

"Am I not your best friend then?" He blinks in tiny.

"No, you're not. You're my soulmate." I press his cheeks together and massage them.

"What was that? Ew, cringe," He said, rubbing his upper arms as a sign that he is disgusted.

"Quit it, hyung. In summary, Hyunjin is my same-age friend who likes to have fun and has lots in common with me. Our fights in the past also make a good distribution to strengthen our relationship now."

Minho hyung sulks, showing a displeased face. He pretends to chew on something, makes a clapping sound with his mouth. I pinch his nose, rock it to the left and right as a sign of adoreness.

"However, you're still the only one who can understand me the best and I can see a few parts of me in you." I gave him a sweet talk to calms down his jealousy, then I start to sing our underrated song, I Am You.

Fortunately, it works like magic and a smile can be seen on Minho hyung's face again.

"Come to think of it, hyung and Hyunjin have been hanging out excessively in the past months, didn't even bother to ask me to join." I groused thinking about how they were having fun without me.

"What are you talking about?"

"You can't fool me." I purse my lips.

"We just went to the dance practice room and gym, nothing more. Besides, we always wanted to invite you, but 3Racha looked very busy and as soon as you arrived in the dorm, you caged yourself in your room." He points at my room.

"You guys can still, at least, asked me right?"

"I know you better baby, you love your bed more than us and I didn't want to disturb you."

It's my turn to sulk, kinda fake but I need to express my jealousy to him. I put a long face and protrude my lower lip.

"Don't worry you're still way cuter than Hyunjin," He said, pinching my lips.

"What is the relation?"

"I won't fall in love with him no matter how many times we hang out together because he isn't cute."

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