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As Calum pulled Luke’s car to a stop in Michael’s driveway, I unbuckled my seatbelt and reached for the door handle, however no sooner had my fingertips brushed the handle then the door was locked with a chirp.

Frowning I looked up and found both boys looking back at me.

“Can you let me out?” I sighed.

“I don’t know how comfortable I am with allowing you to spend the night at a boy’s house.” Luke replied.

“Yeah.” Calum agreed, “Doesn’t seem like a good idea.”

“Oh please!” I scoffed, “You guys have sleepovers all the time!”

“That’s different.”

“In what way?”

“Luke and I have both decided that we’d like to wait until marriage to you know..” Calum replied.

“Well you’ll be waiting a while then.” I snapped, “Is it even legal here?”

“Yes, as a matter of fact it is.” Luke replied.

“October seventh, two thousand fourteen.” Calum added.

“Good for you.” I sighed, “Now can you please unlock the door.”

“We’re going to establish some rules.” Luke said slowly.

“Please don’t.” I groaned.

“No sex.” Luke said bluntly.

“Luke!” I gasped, “Ew, we are not having this converati…”

“No sleeping in the same bed.”

“Let me out.”

“You are only allowed to go to first base.”

“What the heck is first base?”

“You know, the basses.” Luke said awkwardly.

“I don’t.” I said slowly, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“The bases.” Calum groaned, “French, feel, finger and fuc…”

“Okay!” I cried, turning in my seat and manually lifting the lock, “This has been real, too real, but I’ll be going now.”

“Spencer I’m not done.” Luke called after me.

“Too bad, because I am.” I scoffed, climbing out of the car and slamming the door behind me.

“Make good choices!” Calum hissed rolling down his window and leaning his head out.

Rolling my eyes and ignoring him, I trudged up the front steps to Michael’s porch, hesitating momentarily before pushing the door open quietly and slipping inside.

Straining my ears but hearing nothing I carefully slipped off my shoes, half expecting Michael’s Mom to round the corner at any moment, before quietly tip toeing down the hall to the room I knew was Michael’s.

Peering inside I found him lying in bed, curled up on his side listening to music through the ear buds in each of his ears. Smiling lightly to myself I slipped into the room and lightly closed the door behind me.

Setting my shoes down by the door I then walked quietly over to Michael’s bed and pulled out one of his ear buds. Startled, he jumped about a foot in the air.

“Spencer?” he whispered.

“No, it’s Batman.” I hissed, “Scoot over.”

Still looking stunned as if my arrival were a surprise, even though he knew I was coming, he rolled over until his back was pressed against the wall.

Ugly : clifford a.uWhere stories live. Discover now