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This green eyed british SATAN is, I swear killing me ☝

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This green eyed british SATAN is, I swear killing me 

Harry's pov:

The silence stretched thinner and thinner, like a balloon blown big, until the temptation to rupture it was too great to resist.

I knew I had to say something in order to destruct this wall between us. I don't even know what we are?

Other than names we know nothing about each other. Do we?

Grace is however special I've never found myself so intrigued by an another individual until her.

"Harry" Grace said.

"Yeah" I replied looking towards her.

"I try to not to be scared, but I ruin everything and I fuck up" she said. I immediately pulled over in the corner of the street.

I told her that "its okay" even though I had no idea what she was even talking about.

"No, its not " She said. Her eyes glimmered with watery tears.

"You know we are as indestructible as we believe ourselves to be. We think we are invincible because we are" I said.

"Miles Halter" She smiled.

Her smile shined like the stars in the sky, with no bright city lights to dim them. That smile is big not as 'big' big but big enough to light up a room filled of darkness.

"Huh?" I asked dumbfounded.

"Have you read it? the book?" she asked.

"The book? oh yeah I have. Its one of my favorites."

"I didn't like what happened with Alaska though" She said.

"Me neither" I replied.

I started driving again. I had an aesthetic place in my mind. I was willing to go there but not alone and now since I have company its definitely a great time to visit there.

I'm just so excited to see her reaction.

The distance was covered in half and hour. We both were vibing to Queen's music throughout the whole ride.

After parking my car, I walked out first.

"Woah" she said looking at the view.

"Do you like it?" I asked.

"The fuck, I love it" she laughed.

Grace's pov:

"Its... beautiful" I said. I wasn't able to take my eyes off this beautiful view.

The heat of the day was now turned into a comforting warmth. The sun had lost his brightness and the colors were now turning into a shades of orange.

At that moment I knew I needed this calm stillness so badly. With everything fucked up things going this is going to be the one that will definitely make me calm. It has that soothing affect on me.

"I really needed this" I said after taking a deep breath.

The fresh air is feels so good. The air is sweet, the weather is fine, there are birds in the sky and I should be on my way back home but i just didn't care, not for now at least.

"I'm glad you liked it" he said.

"How can someone even hate this place? it's calm it brings peace what more one can even ask for?" I said.

"True" he agreed.

We started walking on the featherly emerald green grass, instead of walking on the road.

"Could you run little slow?" Harry asked.

I looked back, he sat down gasping for air.

"I wasn't running" I laughed.

"Yes you were" He said shaking his head.

"Come on stand up" I said.

"I'm not running again" he said.

"Fine, then I'm going." I said and started walking again.

"Grace" harry shouted.

I turned back to see him with his phone taking a picture of mine.

"Hey what you're doing?" I asked running towards him.

"Nothing" He said 

I snatched the phone from his hands and looked at the picture of mine it wasn't bad to be honest.


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In case you're wondering they went to the Libby Hill Park, Richmond, Virginia.

Btw I've attached an external link you can go see it if you want!


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