Chapter 5

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Blinking my eyes open, I see a pair of soulful, dreamy eyes and quickly sit up, nearly colliding with the man in front of me. Draco's shocked look opposite told me all I needed to know. This is the headmaster of my new school.

'Hello, miss. Glad that you've woken up. I'm Ewan McGregor, your headmaster. Hurry up and get changed into your robes, you'll be late for the feast otherwise.'

Hurridly getting up I realise I've still got Draco's jacket draped over my shoulders. I can't find him though, so I pull it on to shield me from the cold crisp air.

A group of three students stumble past, two of them arguing and the third trailing behind, an angsty expression on his face as he looks towards the gaggle of students heading to the school.

'Excuse me, guys, but I need to get some robes? I don't know... I'm new here.'

'New? And you have nothing? No knowledge of what this school is?'

The boy who was trailing behind the other two seemed to suddenly take more of an interest in me, while the boy and girl coming up behind him shared an uneasy look.

'Well, let me help you out, yeah? How'd you get here?'

He sidled up to me, linking his arm through mine and dragging me along with him.

'Is that Malfoy's jacket? How'd you get that? My names Harry, by the way. What's yours?'

By this stage Harrys friends had left us in the dust, leaving us to idly stroll down the path as we chatted.

'Malfoy? I don't know who that is... Someone named Draco pulled me through the wall and onto the train and gave me this jacket, and when I woke up Ewan McGregor told me to get my robes, and, well, here I am.'

Harrys face seemed to cloud over, as if I had said something that deeply displeased him.

Shaking it off, he asked 'What's your name then? I've told you mine'

'I... Don't know. My mother never spoke to me by name, and she was constantly high on crack to the extent that she didn't care to know me... and when I last went to school I had no need to enrol, I just rocked up to the school and filled out a timetable. Of course, someone then died and I left the school and... Sorry, I'm rambling. That's probably too much information, I'm so sorry Harry.'

'No worries, I understand what it's like to come here from a difficult childhood home. I know where I can get you some robes, let's get you dressed and then we can figure out what to do, yeah?'

I nod, grateful that someone has come to my aid now that Draco seems to have ditched me. At least his jacket smells good.

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