Chapter 10

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Ewan's words were ringing in my ears.

I had a place here. A place where I could move on from the past. 

Ewan dismissed me, and as I left the room I found Draco waiting for me. 


'How was it?'

'Alright. You were right in bringing me here. Thank you.'

As I went to hug Draco, I swear I could hear him holding back tears. 

'No- no worries. Do you need anything right now?'

There were a lot of things I needed, and a lot of things that I didn't know that I needed. But one stuck out clearly as the next step for moving on. If I wanted to move on, I had to be able to get answers about my past, and that starts by visiting the clock tower.

'Draco, can you show me to the clock tower? Please?'

'Sure thing'

I follow Draco towards the clock tower, and with every step, I become more and more unsure of what I am going to do. Do I need to find out the unknowns of the past? Do I want to? My mind is spiralling, and I can't think straight anymore. Thank goodness Draco is here, guiding me towards the clock tower and the literal ghosts of my past. Finally, we arrive.

'How can I, uh, you know. Talk to them.'

Draco smiles kindly at me.

'Same as a person. They can just float around.'

Draco lets go of my hand and slips out of the tower. Probably to get to class, that would make sense given this is a school.

'Hello? Mali?' Hesitantly, I go on. 'Adam?'

I hear voices echoing in the tower. 

'Who's there Adam? Anyone interesting?'

'Let me see... it's...' Adam's ghostly voice trailed off as we made eye contact. His expression changed, the once cheerful face crumpling like a napkin into a face of disgust. 'It's her.'

'Her? Is it really? What the HECK is she doing here!?'

Stepping forward, I tried to plead with them to hear me out.

'Guys, please. I don't, I don't understand what happened then. I need to make sense of it all- I need to move on.'

Mali furiously approached me.

'You don't understand what happened, huh? I died! I died because of the danger you brought to my school. And you didn't feel guilty. It's your fault that they were after Adam. This is all on you. And then you couldn't even save Adam from your home. After all he did. You're just as heartless as One and his stumpy little body.'

Crying, I ran out of the clock tower, and as I glanced back I saw Adam's face, once disgusted, now full of sadness. I knew I needed to speak with him. Without Mali.

Slamming the clock tower doors behind me I collapsed on the floor, almost on top of Draco. I hadn't expected him to wait for me, but here he was. I rested against him and cried until I fell asleep.

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