Chapter 8

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Waking up in an uncomfortable bed in a white room with Ewan McGregor sitting by my bed was not how I expected to wake up on my first day at a new school, but I wasn't one to complain about my situation. Sitting up, I looked around to see Harry and Draco sitting next to each other on the bed opposite mine, both of them looking completely exhausted. Harry's two friends were sitting on the next bed over, chatting quietly while eating breakfast. They were clearly more rested than Harry and Draco, and not nearly as concerned. 

Ewan noticed me sitting up, and shut his book. 

'Finally. I'll be in my office, I expect to see you there in 15 minutes. That should give you some time to talk with your friends.' Whispering in your ear, he added 'Draco and Harry were here all night - they barely slept a wink.' Ewan swept out of the room, leaving you with the four students across the room.

'Ron, let's go. Harry will be fine for now' The girl motioned that the boy next to her, Ron, I assumed, that they should leave, and cast Harry a look that seemed to tell him that he would be able to handle himself for 15 minutes. The door shut with a bang behind them.

Harry and Draco both start to talk at the same time, then stopped as they realised they had interrupted each other. 

'Ok, either of you care to tell me why you apparently stayed here all night?'

Both boys blush.

'We, uh...' Harry tries to start.

'Whatever. I'm out of here, Potter' Draco, suddenly angry, storms out of the room, bursting through the door and crashing into Ron and the girl who were clearly eavesdropping outside.

'Granger. Weasley.' He nods at them and passes through.

The doors shut behind him.

Harry looks like he might cry.

'Sorry. I-'

'It's okay. I know about your breakup'

I hear gasps outside the door, and then hurried footsteps disappearing from the passageway outside.

'What?!? How did you find out?!'

'Um, Ronin told me...'

'That bastard'

'I don't know, he seemed to tell me as if it were common knowledge'

'No. We dated in secret. Ronin found out from his friend Mike Harris. It was never meant to get out.'

'Mike- Mike Harris??' I know that name, at least briefly. I start drifting back to school with Adam, Mali's funeral. I need to talk to them. 'Where's the clock tower, Harry? I need to get there. Now.'

'No. You heard Ewan. You need to go speak with him first.'

'That's in 10 minutes. I need to get answers from the clock tower.'

'No, you can't. I can try and help you...' Harry trails off, as if he were unsure if I would appreciate his help. 

'Okay, sure. So, how do you know Mike Harris?'

'Well, we played in a band together. Harry and the Baguette Boys. We had all the parts covered except for keyboard, and Neville saw Mike playing the piano in a youtube video. Mike is obviously a muggle, so we did video rehearsals and just met in person when performing. Draco and I were... It was after rehearsal one day and we both thought Mike had logged off zoom. He hadn't, and found out. Unfortunately for us our schools local clout chasing twins Ronin and Ronnie went to primary school with Mike Harris and he told them. Looking back, it's probably our fault for not being honest with Mike. The only people who knew about us were our bandmates and my two friends, Ron and Hermione. But Ronin told Draco's dad, and now the whole school knows.'

Harry paused, breathless, tears sparkling at the corners of his eyes. Brushing the tear away, he continued.

'Anyway. We were forced to break up, and you already know about how Draco is forced to date Ronnie, I assume.'

Well, that was some news. The rollercoaster of emotions Harry had taken us both on in a very short period of time was a lot to deal with. Before I had a chance to process all I had heard, there was a knock at the door. Ron. 

'Harry we gotta go, and she needs to go to the headmasters office in a minute or two.'

Harry sighed.

'Alright. I'll meet you in a minute.' Turning to me he continued, 'I'll walk you to the office.'

And linking his arm through mine, he led me straight to Ewan's door.

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