Chapter 13

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a/n not me writing this in 10 minutes on my phone at 9:51

We had barely been in the room for 5 minutes before Ana pulled out a dvd seemingly from nowhere, put it on, sat on the couch, and promptly fell asleep, the dvd playing softly in the background.
I had dumped my stuff on the floor between the couch and the single bed, and so when Draco and Harry entered they put their stuff on the double without, or maybe with, the realisation of what that meant for them.
The tension was so thick that I could barely breathe, so eventually I stood up and made to leave for a bit.
Neither Harry nor Draco seemed to notice me softly clicking the door shut behind me.

I sat down in one of the chairs outside the rooms, instantly regretful that I hadn't brought a book out with me. My phone screen lit up as it informed me that I had 20% battery remaining, and inquiring if I would like to activate battery saver mode. My samsung galaxy j1 mini didn't do that.

I could hear Ana's movie playing faintly in the background, and the tense mood radiating off Draco and Harry seemed to be seeping out from under the door, so I double checked that I had my key and went over to Mikes room to get the keys to the minivan. Keys acquired, I started it up and drove down towards lights and what I assumed was a town. Thank god there was a spare phone charger in the van. I saw a grocery store and parked the van, heading inside in search of some snacks.

I stepped inside and the door shut behind me, and I heard a lock snap. I turned around, and a blue blur fell from above the door. It was 4.

'Missed me?'
He looked at me in a way that he never had before. It terrified me. I instinctively tried to step back, and immediately tripped over a can of beans on the floor. Desperately glancing around I could see that the grocery store was in fact closed for the night, the owners were gone and customers non existent. I picked up the can of beans, but before I could hurl it at 4's stumpy head he said one word that stopped me in my tracks.
He looked so dejected, so tired, so broken down, as if the last weeks without me had been long and sleepless, full of stress, resentment, and longing. This was what I had seen in his eyes. This new 4 - broken down and quickly rebuilt, lacking the qualities that had drawn me to him in the first place. This was not the 4 I once knew, or even the 4 that I had run away from. This was a 4 that I didn't care to know at all.

4 and y/n - the sequelTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang