Chapter 14

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4 was the last person that I had expected to see in the grocery store. I didn't know how to process this fact. I tried to think of a reason for his being here, a reason for his attachment, a reason for the fact that he had managed to find me, and I kept drawing blank after blank. My mind was empty. No thoughts.

4 stalked towards me, jumping forwards on his singular stumpy leg. I could back away no further - my back was coming hard up against the wall. 

"I have looked for you, for days, I looked, searched, but it was all fruitless. It was as if you had simply disappeared. I wasn't ready to accept that. I knew- I know you. There's no way you would have been able to escape from my clutches as well as you did without any assistance. You couldn't manage it before, could you? Always depending on me, on Adam..." 4 almost seemed to add his name at the end with a grimace. 

I was terrified. There was no way for me to contact anyone and call for help. 4 continued to approach me, and all I could do was hope that he didn't hurt me. I was about to close my eyes as 4 jumped towards me on his stump, and then I heard a banging at the door. 4 turned around angrily, mad to have been interrupted I assume. I peered a round 4 out the glass door and saw Ewan McGregor and Ana trying to break in. Ewan picked up a rock and shattered the glass door and he burst through the door and swept me off my feet. Ana ran in after him with a knife and threw it at 4, the blood spilling out of his now open wound on his stump. We rushed out of the room and jumped into the van, Ewan chucking me in the back of the van while Ana slid into the front passenger seat. 

I knew in my gut that 4 was dying, and would die, on the floor of the abandoned grocery store. I had finally escaped my past.

4 and y/n - the sequelWhere stories live. Discover now