Chapter 11

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A few days had passed since the incident at the clock tower. I had begun to attend classes, and even though I didn't do very well in them I always had a friend in class to talk to and copy off when I didn't do the homework.

One night a note was slipped under the door of my dorm. Even though I didn't have a house. Hermione, Harry's friend, had said there was a spare bed in her dorm so I was staying in the Gryffindor dorm for now. Anyway, the note was slipped under my door and Lavender picked up the note and passed it to me.

'I think it's for you' She said, indicating towards me. She began to read the note aloud.

'Hey. We've got a gig this weekend at a muggle party. You should come, see you there. The others in your dorm can come too, I guess. They've probably read this. - Draco'

Draco was inviting me to their gig!? The other girls in my dorm were over the moon. Apparently, they don't get to get out much. Not very poggers I must admit.

So that takes us to now. Me, Hermione, Lavender, Parvati and Ron were there, as well as Ronnie. Ronin was lurking in the background, salty that he couldn't go. Ronnie wasn't actually invited but had forced her way in. An unfortunate byproduct of her dating Draco. The band finally showed up, and Draco dragged himself over to Ronnie, who eagerly greeted him with excitement. Cring tbh. However, he got to come along because he's Mike's friend, and Mike had said he wanted to see him.

I followed Harry out the door, and Mike Harris was waiting outside with a minibus.

'Hey nice boarding school bro' 

'Thanks, I guess'

I went to sit next to Harry on the minibus - Draco opted for a single seat, probably so that he could avoid Ronnie. Can't blame him.

'So, who're the other band members?'

'Obviously me, Draco, Mike Harris, and there's also Neville and Ana.'


'Yeah, she's one of the boys. The Baguette Boys.'

This seemed to make perfect sense to him, so I didn't push it. The bus drive was set to take a few days and we would have to stay overnight at a motel, so I settled in for a nap. As I was about to fall asleep, I looked over and saw Harry asleep on my shoulder, his phone screen lit up. Prying the phone from his hand, I was about to switch it off to save battery but I saw the name at the top of his messages. Draco. With a heart emoji. I guess there's still something there, then. 

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