Chapter 7

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a/n this chapter is a tad longer than the others, mostly because of the amount of tea that gets spilt. :)
Draco sprinted out of the great hall and pulled me into a quiet staircase, and promptly collapsed on the floor.


I crouch down to join him on the step. 'What's wrong' I questioned, 'Do you want your jacket back?'

'No.' Draco responds abruptly. 'Not unless you've started a collection of jackets, huh. What do you think you're doing, getting all cozy with Potter back in there in the hall?' Draco is practically seething at this point, bubbling anger barely controlled by his normally cool persona.

'Potter? Why, what's your issue with him?? You seemed to have no problem leaving me in the dust after the train. Did you help me get my robes? No. Did you help me find my way around? No. What have you done for me that is so great that you now deserve my undying loyalty? Because I'm yet to see a reason why I should stay here and deal with this' I conclude, gesturing towards his angry body crumpled in a heap on the stair.

'I- I'm sorry. I didn't want to leave you alone. That wasn't my intention. I never meant to make you upset or feel isolated. Heck, that's the last thing I want for you.'

Draco suddenly stands up, and the staircase beneath us shifts, revealing a doorway that had previously been hidden. A girl appeared through the doorway, and after a moment squeals and jumps onto Draco giving him a hug.

'Draco!! I've been looking for you everywhere, what are you doing here with... her' She adds, turning towards me with a disdainful glance as if she were implying I was below her and Draco's station.

'Look, Ronnie, I'm sorry. Let's head back to dinner, we don't need her.'

Dracos complete shift towards me hurts more than I thought it would. Why would he dismiss me like that? He's the one who brought me here anyways.

The stairs shift for a second time as Draco leads Ronnie back into the great hall and a boy I had never seen before entered the staircase.

'What're you doing, getting involved with Draco? Come on, I think you and I need a little chat. Has anyone filled you in on the gossip around here?' The boy starts rambling as he links his arm through mine, just like how Harry had done mere hours before. 

The staircase shifts for the third time and the boy drags me out of a doorway and round the corner to a quiet bench, where he tells me to sit. 

'Alright, so, in case you don't know me, which wouldn't be surprising because nobody does, my names Ronin and I know everything that goes on around here. Well, most things anyway. The things worth knowing. Ronnies my twin, you see, and between the two of us I can find out pretty well anything that goes on at this school.' He pauses, breathless.

'Ok, well, why are Draco and Harry like That, you know?'

Ronins face clouds over, and then he begins to laugh. 'You don't know?'

Shaking my head it's clear I don't know. Why else would I have asked?

'Ok, so, basically they dated for a while last year but Dracos dad didn't approve of Harry, hence Draco is now forced to date my sister. She really likes him though, so, don't spill the beans alright.'

Now, this was a surprising turn of events. Draco and Harry are exes? It clears up a lot, that's for sure. 

'Now, you, my friend, you. You are the latest piece of hot gossip around here. Everyone wants to either get with you, manipulate you, befriend you, or snub you. Everyone has an opinion.'

This was even more shocking. Why was I such an intriguing personality? It made no sense. 

'Me?' I finally managed to squeak out.

'Yeah. Some new ghosts rocked up last year and wouldn't shut up about some girl from a crackhouse, and furry, stumpy numbers. You can go chat with them in the clock tower if you want. They go by Mali and Adam, do you know who they were?'

Hearing those names again... It was almost too much to bear. I felt myself become dizzy and light-headed, and the last thing I saw before I blacked out was those same dreamy eyes as when I woke up. Ewan McGregor.

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