Chapter 6

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Now robed up, Harry leads me into the school and starts telling me how to get around the place, and we find ourselves at the great hall ready for dinner.

'This place looks nice'

'Yeah well it's the great hall I hope it looks nice'

I laugh, even though it's not actually funny. Harry looks at me and grins. 

'That wasn't very funny of me, you know. I appreciate your, laughter, though.'

He grabs my hand and leads me into the hall where he quickly finds a couple of empty seats and indicates I should sit.

'Am I allowed to sit here?'

'Welllllll, you haven't been sorted, have you? So just sit here, for now at least. I could use the company.' he adds, nodding at his two friends opposite him, who are still arguing about something.

I look over at Harry and see a sadness in his eyes, but just as quickly as it was there it disappears as he seems to recognise someone across the room.

'Malfoy...' I hear him mutter, but before I can say anything he switches his attention again to the basket of bread rolls being placed on the table, and offers me one.

As I take the bread roll from his hand I bump his fingers, and meet his gaze. His eyes, glistening with a ghost of his past, hint that maybe, he offered me bread for that reason. 

'What is this, pride and prejudice?' I thought. I wasn't mentally prepared to deal with angsty hand-holding.

I quickly finish eating, having realised that I hadn't eaten since I got off the plane in London.

As soon as I finish eating, I feel my hand in Harry's, and wondering why this is, I look at him with a questioning glance. His eyes meet mine and show nothing but compassion, but his gaze turns steely as a certain blond boy walks up towards us. 



The two boys look at each other with nothing but ferocity, but Harry's hand in mine seemed to prompt Harry to look at Draco with a sort of... hurt expression.

'Potter. I need her for a minute.'

'Why do you need her' Harry retorts, grabbing my hand tighter, almost as if he was protective of me.

Puzzled, I look up to Harry, but his strong hand clasping mine only reminds me of my past, of Adam and his eagerness to help me in whatever way he could, and of 4, stupid, stupid, 4, and his dumb little stumpy stumps.

'I'll bring her back, Potter.' Draco spits out. 'Do you trust me?'

Harry lets go of my hand, faltering under Dracos steady, unblinking eyes.

Draco looks to me, grabbing me roughly by the shoulder and pulling me out of my chair, which Harry deftly catches before it clatters to the floor. 

4 and y/n - the sequelDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora