Part Three

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Take off was scary as I sat squished between Luke and Gabriel with Mr Blackbourne and Dr Green across from us. The seats were only meant to fit two but the boys had insisted that I sit with them.

I wanted to clutch at something like I’d seen people do in the movies but all that was within reach were the boys hands, arms or thighs and I was sure that they wouldn’t appreciate me latching on with my nails.

Mr Blackbourne frowned and smoothed his hands along the material of his shorts, “What’s wrong, Miss Sorenson?”

All talk on the plane silenced and I sighed under the weight of their regard, “I’ve just never flown before.” I gulped slightly, “I’m just a bit nervous.”

A sigh and then I heard Kota from somewhere behind me, “I’ve already explained…”

“No,” North interrupted with a raised voice, “Not that again or we’ll have to give her a barf bag.”

Luke’s arm wrapped around my shoulders and Gabriel latched onto my other hand while Sean sent me a reassuring smile, “Don’t be nervous, Pookie. I bet that you’re going to love it.”

“Hey, maybe one day we can take her skydiving?” Nathan suggested and there was a resounding ‘No’ from a number of the others.

“Fine,” he grumbled and I giggled. “I don’t think you’ll ever get me to jump out of a plane.”

They all laughed and Mr Blackbourne looked briefly out of the window, “Everyone ready?”

There were affirmatives and I gave a hesitant nod before I felt everything suddenly move.

“Awesome,” Gabriel had pulled up the cover of the window and was busy looking out with a happy grin.

I clenched my fingers in my lap and bit back a shriek. I could feel the plane speeding up along the run way and I knew what was coming next. They had all made sure to tell me that at one point the plane would feel like it was pointing straight up and it was usually the scariest part of any flight.

“Hey, sweetie,” Luke soothed and rubbed at my shoulder. I tried to smile at him but just couldn’t force it enough.

“Send her back here,” Silas called and I was tempted to jump up and hide in his arms but Mr Blackbourne nixed the idea.

“She’s not getting up until I have the all clear from the pilots,” he said with authority but sent me a searching glance.

“I’m fine,” I choked out and felt Luke’s arm tighten around me.

“Hum,” Gabe whispered in my ear. I looked at him and whispered, “Why?”

“Trust me, it’ll help. I’m not the best flier either but humming usually helps me handle the nerves.” He kissed my cheek and turned again to look out the window at the rapidly passing scenery.

A whimper escaped me and I could almost feel the other five boys strain against themselves in order to stop from plucking me from my current seat. I was honestly surprised that North hadn’t already done it.

“What does she look like, Doc?” Victor called and Sean peered even more closely at my face as I began to hum Winter.

“Extremely pale,” Sean quipped back and he reached forward to place a hand underneath my chin, “Do you want a bag, Pookie?” He murmured quietly.

I shook my head and immediately regretted it as things got a little fuzzy at the edges. I hunched in on myself, looked down and began to dig my fingers into my knees.

It was going to be ok, it was going to be ok…I kept up the chant even though the only sound that escaped me was my surprisingly steady humming.

The plane tilted for a few seconds and then seemed to straighten out, “And we’re up,” North called and a sigh of relief came from everyone except me.

“Umm…” I whimpered and felt two sets of hands reach out and begin to rub at my back. I hadn’t even realised that I’d closed my eyes until I opened them and found Luke and Gabe looking at me with panic and Mr Blackbourne and Sean smirking with sympathy and amusement.

It could’ve been funny. Two Academy guys freaking out over the fact that I was having a normal first-flight reaction while five others began peppering the space with questions and demands regarding my welfare.

A beep sounded and I jumped, only calming down when the pilot’s voice sounded over an intercom, “Ok guys, we’ve had a smooth take off and weather forecasts are good so I don’t expect much turbulence. You’re now free to move around and we’ll be at our destination easily within two hours.” Another beep and I let out a breath at the confidence in his report. My stomach had begun to settle and the warmth of the two boys surrounding me had begun to loosen my clenched muscles.

Maybe I could enjoy the flight after all.

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