Part Twenty-Six

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“This is fabulous, Meanie,” I gushed as we hopped from the car at the entrance to Atlantic Station. Gabriel hadn’t been able to keep quiet about his planned experience. Apparently he had been ecstatic to discover that Atlanta boasted a shopping area which showed a central garden surrounded by boutiques and cafes.

It had been a rushed morning since everyone had accidently slept in and I had had an interesting moment when I woke up to discover that Mr Blackbourne was a very enthusiastic cuddler. He had been wrapped around my body like a snake and it had only been when my giggles had awoken him that he realised exactly what the problem was. He had been clinging to me so tightly that I could barely move, let alone get up for the day.

I had watched with absolute delight as the previously unmovable team leader had flushed in embarrassment, stuttered an apology and promptly bolted from the room with Sean laughing gaily next to me as he sat back and watched.

“So glad you like it, Trouble,” Gabriel patted one of his back pockets and grinned devilishly, “Victor handed his credit card for the day. I love that guy.”

You and me both, I thought with a secret smile. Any mention of Victor’s name and I sighed, remembering how wonderful the night before had been.

Gabe reached out and snagged my hand in his own, dragging me forward so that he could search through the cafes. We hadn’t been able to stay long enough at the house to enjoy breakfast and Gabriel had assured a very annoyed North that he would ensure I received a large serving of food while we were out.

“What do you feel like, Trouble?”

I lifted a finger to my lip and pressed lightly; I didn’t want to pick something that he would hate and it was quite impossible to make a right decision when there were no menus in easy reach.

A light chop fell on the back of my head, “Don’t think so much. Just pick whatever you feel like.”

I pointed to a pancake shop and looked up at him from beneath my lashes with a hopeful smile, “Pancakes?”

His face took on a playfully exasperated expression, “If we really must!” He scoffed, “The things I do for you trouble! Why, you even made me drive you here!”

I giggled at his words, remembering the fight that has ensued just as we were attempting to leave the house. Gabriel had picked up a set of car keys and my hand but North’s looming figure had stopped us at the doorway, “No, no fucking way are you driving with Baby in the car.”

Gabriel gasped, “I’m legally allowed to drive.”

North shook his head, “I know that you must’ve bribed the driving assessor or something because you can’t drive for shit.”

“I sort of agree with North on this one, Gabe,” Luke hesitantly moved forward from the others as they circled behind us, most with their arms crossed in support of North.

Gabe, realising that they were serious began to flush with what I thought might be anger, and he stepped into North, “You all got to drive her around on your dates like big boys and I have the right to do the same. You think for one fucking second that I would endanger her in any way? Fuck you, North,” he spun around to face the rest of his brothers, “And fuck you all too.”

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