(Introduction) Say where again?

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A/N: hey guys, so just a heads up this book is going to be kind of a mix of MD 1 and MD 2, so no not everything will be exactly the same, and yes I added in the new players from MD 2 (Julie, Russ, etc.) but kept the Hawks in here. And just a reminder their in Bantam right now (ages 13 & 14) Also, you are always open to give me more ideas. So enjoy ! :)

Brynn Glacey

I layed there on my bed blasting my music in my ears. I had just gotten home from school and was really sore from playing football with a few guys. My friends and I went to the diner for a little to grab a bite to eat but not much longer, I wanted to be home from my side hurting so bad.

My mom came up stairs and I guess couldn't get my attention, so she threw a football lying around. It bounced off my head and hit my wall.

"Ouch. Chill bro, what's that for?" then I saw my mother. I flashed a sweet smile sending the message "sorryyyyyy". She hates when I say stuff like that.

"Okay you should really 'chill bro' with the language, you talk and act like a dude." She has a point.

"Sorry mum. I was just a lil' zoned out. So what's up?" I asked her.

"Well there's a big envelope on the table but I waited for you to open it. Wasn't sure what it was about. But I'll be down stairs watching my Real Housewives of Atlanta so just don't bug me." She laughed.

"Mom I still don't understand how you can watch that shi- I mean stuff-" I said, as I was walking down the stairs with one ear bud hanging by the thread.

She cut me off, "Good save, but watch your language." She was in front of me on the stairs and went to sit on the couch. I laughed.

"Uh yeah, sorry, whatever. It's just so weird watching girls complain about their 30k jewelry not being enough." She started laughing and it was funny but like seriously, they get on my nerves.

As I walked in the kitchen, I went to get my favorite snack; pickles and peanut butter, and on occasions, macaroons for sure. But we hardly buy them. Turning around I saw the big yellow envelope. I nearly choked when I saw the shipping address was from Minnesota and what made me more shocked was how it was from THE MINNESOTA HOCKEY ARENA! I spat out my pickle.

"What was that? You okay, babe?" My mom said from the living room. I gave no response so she walked in.

My hands were shaking and my face was full of confusion.

"Is that-"

"Yep. I- I just...how could-...whoah."

Minneapolis Minnesota isn't far from where I live, just about 2 hours. Last year, they had invited some really great, also random so we got to know each other, hockey kids in the ages of 12-13. Our team was called the Ducks, but because it was District 5, it technically wasn't a real league. But I had left a little before the season ended because of other sports so I wasn't sure exactly what happened but I stayed in touch with them of course (mainly Charlie).

Not too much longer, we heard a knock at the door and my mom welcomed in a short but professional looking man. He noticed the envelope in my hands.

"Oh I'm sure you just read the news! Are you excited to see your team mates again?!"
I wasn't sure how to respond but my mom did for me. However, I noticed his shoes like I always do when I meet a person. Italian, super shiny.

"Um we are thinking about it but thank you for the offer! Sit down and we can chat a little more." My mom invited the man in.

It was a long chat but he gave all the details: no need to pay, provides food, their sponsors will run everything, and we get to sleep in dorms with every one. I leaned forward to where my back wasn't against the chair and my arms were rested on my thighs as I hunched over. I was deeply in thought about it.

What about Charlie? Am I gunna be the only girl again? What about our coach? Please don't say we play the Hawks- Oh no. THE HAWKS! I completely forgot about them!

My mom didn't seem too worried but then she snapped me back into reality and asked me, "Well it's your choice I mean.. do you wanna go? Are you okay with being away from home?

"Oh yeah, yeah, fo sho! I miss those guys. I would love to be apart of your team mr. uh-"

"Tibbles, Jon Tibbles. But you can just call me Jon. But yes thank you so much for choosing us! We are going to give you the life of luxury!" He was very smiley and seemed like a nice guy but a little too much energy. I put on a forced smile and tried to be as friendly as I could but I was so taken a back by all this, I wasn't exactly happy yet.

"When do we leave?" I asked.

"Well if you pack right now, we can leave as soon as possible." I looked at my mom who was smiling.

"Alright then. Well...give me about an hour."

"Perfect! I'll be back at-" he looked at the time on his pocket watch, "exactly 3 to pick you up." He stood with a smile and walked out of the door.

"I gotta call Charlie, mom!" I picked up the house phone. I had just talked to him a few hours ago but I already missed him.

"Heeeyyyyy. Who may this beeeee ?"

"CONWAY!" I yelled into the phone.

"BRYNN! What's up?!"

"PLEASE tell me you got the letter too."

"Oh yeah!"

"Phew. Alright well I gotta pack I have to leave in an hour, how bout yourself?"

"Same here. I'm getting dropped off at the

"Wait.. we might get the same plane flight?!"

"AWESOMEEEE! alright see you soon byeeee!"

"Bye Conway."

My mom was helping me stuff everything I needed into less than 2 bags. You could tell she was nervous but she was doing good not crying. When it came time we heard the knock and I was escorted into a limo. My mom watched as I was about to get in..but I turned around, ran back, and gave her a big tight hug.

"I love you mom"

"I love you too, hun," she smiled with a few tears, then she held out her fist. "Fist bump ?"

I laughed. "Always." I said as I fist bumped her back.

And so my adventure awaits. Ahead of me, will be my future career, most important thing in my life, and of course my best friends.

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