Bank's Bets

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Third Person
In the nice warm home, there sat Adam's aunt and uncle each doing their own thing.

"So anything new with work?" She asked her fiancé, soon to be husband.

"Nothing much, hun. How about yourself?" He asked his wife, putting down the paper so he could see her clearly.

"Not really anything either. The Markets going good though, getting plenty of stocks." She said while going through some files.

They were staying at her sisters house, Adam's mom and the real banks, to take care of the boys and the house. The Banks were gone on a vacation for Mr.Banks work.

Adam rushed through the door and headed up the stairs as he talked. "Hey tia, me and the team are going out to the diner and I'll let you know what time we're back." He said before he walked into his room.

"Alright dear, that's great. Have fun!" Adam was about to walk out the door when she noticed he had an extra jacket. "Adam, I know it's a little chilly but you won't need two coats." Her and Mr.Banks chuckled.

"Yeah sport, what's up with two jackets?" He looked at Adam who just rolled his eyes.

"It's not for me, it's for a friend. In case they get cold." He smiled proudly.

"Ohhh. Is this 'friend' a girl?" His aunt asked looking at him with a slight smirk.

"Yeah? It's for Brynn, why? I'm just being a gentlemen." Adam said confused.

His aunt nodded before she shooed him out of the house. Right after the door closed, she looked at Mr.Banks.

"How much do you want to bet that Adam will date her when their older?" She smiled.

"Older? Hah! They'll be dating next week. Young love, I tell you." Mr.Banks said smiling.

"Oh Jeff, I don't think that soon. But he loves her and we all know it. Oh! I have to tell Gloria!" She got up quickly getting the house phone to call her sister about her sons mystery girl. As they talked, both sisters seemed to laugh and catch up until they had to go to a meeting so they hung up.

"You wanna put 20 bucks on that bet, hun?" Mr.Banks asked his wife after she got off the phone. She lifted her head to look at him.

"You betcha."

So they both had a jar they each put 15 dollars in to start with and every time something happened with Adam that one of them called it, the other would put an extra dollar or two in the jar.

As Adam walked back to the hotel, he couldn't help but ponder about his aunts words. Bringing an extra jacket for a girl doesn't mean anything but he guessed she was maybe, just maybe, onto something. Because no he didn't want to date her...but something inside him didn't want to be just friends with her either.

This bet with the Banks however, went on for a long time and they soon got more and more competitive. Because it started with a jacket and it turned into daily hangouts, 1v1's, sharpening each other's skates, and doing homework together. Doing all of it with each other.

~ 𝕊𝕦𝕔𝕜 𝕀𝕔𝕖, 𝔹𝕒𝕟𝕜𝕤 ~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora