Jeremy Blythe...

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[TRIGGER WARNING ! If you don't want to read, you don't have to. Involves anxiety. But also very dramatic !!]

"Hey Brynn." Jeremy said.

I looked behind me as Adam was sitting there.

"Hey who's at the door? Is it Charlie? Because if so he needs to give me back my skates-" Adam started but I cut him off.

"Nope not Charlie!" I fake chuckled through my teeth. "I'll be outside, um don't come out here serious conversation with um.." I tried to think of a guy who he wasn't close with or didn't care for. "-Russ! Yeah, just a quick conversation."

"Oh, um, alr-" before he could finish, I closed the door behind me quickly, so Adam couldn't tell. I was in sweats and a Ducks dark green sweatshirt, with white lettering across my chest.

"Dude what the hell are you doing here? You know I don't even wanna know, how did you get here?"

Jeremy was an old friend who was on my last team the Seagulls and well.. we had sort of a connection. We never dated but we liked each other and well things didn't turn out well. I had de ja vu as I remembered our fight.

"Well, you care to explain who is that in your room?" Jeremy looked a little pissed.

"Why would you care? Not your business so you don't need to know. But if your really wondering, it's called a room mate." I rolled my eyes.

"Look, I came here for you. I'm on the track team so I've been here but when I heard the name Glacey I knew I had to see you. Listen, I know I was a terrible boyfri-" I cut him off.

"No. We were never dating. Don't you see? You were never a boyfriend. Yes, we had a thing going but YOU screwed it up alright. Now please, go."

"Please just listen, alright. I KNOW I screwed up, okay! But I want to make it up to you. And I love you Brynn. I wanna be with you." I didn't know how to respond. I looked down in silence. After all this time, he just now wanted to be back?

"Jeremy..." I stayed looking down. "'s okay. You don't need to make it up to me, really it- it's fine." I stuttered. I sighed. "I do forgive you and I will..." I tried to find a way to say this. "I'll always love you as a friend. But I'm not giving you a second chance to be what we were. I've moved on, Jeremy." His face dropped as I said that. "I'm sorry but you wasted your time coming here. Nothing's going to change." I slightly hugged him and said goodnight.

"But why can't you just give me time to explain?" He said. At this point I was done being nice.

"Explain what, huh?! What you did? Oh okay then, let's hear it. WHY did you do it Jeremy?!" I stood there with my arms crossed.

"I don't know okay! I wasn't thinking straight that night and I guess I wanted to make you jealous because of..Charlie." He looked down. I was livid but I tried not to scream. I raised my voice a little but I also tried to whisper yell.

"CHARLIE?! MY BEST FRIEND I HAVE KNOWN MY WHOLE LIFE?! You thought I would do something with him?! Now your DONE. Get outta here now. I can not believe you just brought him into this! He had NOTHING to do with us, I am DONE. Done with your fake ass apologies and I am DONE with you trying to fix everything, like nothing ever happened. Because you know what? I'M HAPPY NOW. So much happier than I was with you." I said the last part quietly, finally finding my inner peace to lower my voice down. "I'm with a person who would never even think about doing what you did. I can forgive you because of what you were to me. But I can't forgive you for what you've done to me. So please, have a good night." I turned as he grabbed my arm.

"BRYNN-" he was saying before he was cut off.

"Leave your hands off of her." Adam appeared in the doorway.

~ 𝕊𝕦𝕔𝕜 𝕀𝕔𝕖, 𝔹𝕒𝕟𝕜𝕤 ~Where stories live. Discover now