Maybe he's not that bad

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Charlie walked me to my hotel room which was on the same floor with every one else. It was 8:15 and I still didn't know who my roommate was but Coach said he has switched them.

"I'll be fine from now on." I told Charlie.

"Alright just take it easy. See you in a bit?" He asked.

I nodded my head. I was opening my dorm with a relaxed feeling, my body sure was missing that bed. I was so ready to hit the hay-until I saw a jersey that said #99 on the back of it.

"You gotta be kidding me." I stood in the walk way shutting the door slowly behind me.

"Oh, what's up roomie." Banks said, coming out of the bathroom with grey sweat pants on drying his wet hair with a towel.

I face planted onto my bed and groaned.

Every time. Why him. Just why, Coach. He's pulling something and I gotta figure it out.

He heard my cries because then he told me,"You know what, I'll just switch with Averman or something, so I don't bug you." He was actually being kinda nice..which was oddly concerning. And now it made me feel guilt and if there's anything I hate it's to be a whiny person.

"Um actually it's cool, really. But I don't get why we were switched I was supposed to be with Charlie." I said while he nodded his head smiling.

"Ahh, so your boyfriend? Lover man, mister Conway." He said in a dreamy mocking voice. I couldn't help but kinda laugh.

"No way. Dude, do you know us? We've been best friends since birth. Our moms are best friends and we both..well we both had some father figure issues, I guess you could say." He seemed like a good listener as I said things he probably didn't care about.

"I'm so sorry for bugging you, you probably don't even care." I said laughing, starting to gather my things to get in the shower.

"Uh, no. Actually, I can relate, really. I mean, I did have both parents around and I did have hockey since forever, but I understand the feeling.. some times it doesn't feel at all like home or you just don't know where you belong. Except for our team of course." He kinda smiled looking up at me. I was standing in the bathroom doorway leaning against the frame.

"Yeah, yeah your right." I said slowly. "Now stop acting like you care about me and go bug Charlie or something, after all he is your lover man right." I shut the door, starting to take off my shirt. I heard his chuckle from outside the room. The bruise looked better but still just as much pain. Adam walked in.

"Yo dude, stop!" I yelled trying to cover my bruise.

"Relax, I have a niece, theres nothing to be afraid of. Besides, I just needed my toothbrush." He said almost walking out but stopped at the doorway. "Oh and you might wanna cover up that big bruise you got there." Adam threw me a wet rag and some alcohol to clean it.

My mouth hung open as he smirked and shut the door. I was annoyed that he knew and he must have listened to our conversation but when I saw he was trying to help, I guess I couldn't be rude.

"Um, thanks?" He gave a smile but fully. "For eavesdropping and now walking in on me." I slammed the door pushing him out.

"Your welcome!" He chirped in a sing song tone.

I let the water run down the front of my body, and I could almost fall asleep with how relaxed I was.

I had gotten out of the shower, just chilling on the bed, Adam was also there sharpening his stick. I finally got up and walked to the door.

~ 𝕊𝕦𝕔𝕜 𝕀𝕔𝕖, 𝔹𝕒𝕟𝕜𝕤 ~Where stories live. Discover now