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[ time skip to the Finals day ]

I was getting on my gear as Adam was too. I had gone down town that morning to get some coffee from a small coffee shop called Dutch Bro's which was really good. I was still drinking it as we walked out of the room gathering the team to get onto the bus.

"Ooohhh just what I needed." Charlie took a sip from my drink. He sighed with his eyes closed and smiling. "Ahhhh so good."

"Yeah just take a sip from my drink why don't yuh." I smiled but rolled my eyes. Adam laughed at us and put his arm around me.

"Don't worry we'll get some after we win the CHAMPIONSHIPS!" He shouted in the hall.

"THATS RIGHT!" Russ said.

"WHOOO-HOOOO!" Luis shouted.

Every one got pretty psyched. We got onto the bus and we arrived at the arena an hour and a half before the game, we really needed the practice. We practiced everything, from warming up to what we would actually do in a game to what Coach made me and Banks do as a punishment.

"Alright bring it in. I hope that you guys aren't too tired from the hour and a half of playing already. Okay starting line up Russ, Jesse, Averman, Julie, Luis, and Dwayne. Now try to use our terms like Flying V, triple deke, puck switch, things like that alright. You guys can do this, just put your brain to your stick." He put his hand in and we started quietly getting louder saying "quack, quack, quack, quack", we started banging our sticks onto the ground in the box to get even more fired up. Finally the players got out onto the ice.

I watched as Dwayne took face off. But as soon as he got the puck the Hawks had knocked him down but he got back up just in time to check him. He got the puck circling around the net and coming back this way. Passing it to Luis, he started running as fast as he could scoring. We all got up and cheered. But as soon as we got happy, Hawks scored.

"Ugh. Ben." Adam rolled his eyes knowing who scored. I looked at Adam and followed his gaze to the player. He was good, Adam and I both could tell.

Few minutes later, Averman scored which was a little surprising, but we still cheered for the guy.

Poor Adam had to hide his face because of his former team mates and his coach looking over scolding us down and smirking every time they would score. "Win, win, win," they would chant.

Well that's certainly a way to get people hyped. Winning. Pffff.

The seconds seemed to go so slow. Every time we scored they would score, bout half the game we spent tied. 6-6, 7-7, 8-8, finally we were 9-10. But not very long. 10-10. Ugh this couldn't get any worse.

Like Julie says, "I hate ties. Their like kissing your brother." I felt that, jule's.

Last quarter. The new line up was Charlie, Banksie, Goldberg, Guy, Connie, and me. We got out there taking our spots on the ice. Me and Charlie looked at each other and nodded. As the whistle blew, we switched over leading down 2 defenders and letting Guy score. That was the perfect play Coach had ever come up with. Then Charlie performed his famous Triple Deke. Gliding the puck to the left, then to the right, then back to the left, and to the right one more time before shooting and scoring. Finally we were up by two and hey, if that was all we could get then I'll take it. Coach called a time out.

~ 𝕊𝕦𝕔𝕜 𝕀𝕔𝕖, 𝔹𝕒𝕟𝕜𝕤 ~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora