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We walked into the hockey arena with Mr.Tibbles. It was 4:45 when we got off the plane, so it's about 5 o'clock. I was feeling pretty nervous and kinda scared. I mean I haven't seen these guys in about a year and the way charlie made it sound, they seemed different or maybe there was some type of big change. Charlie must have noticed my anxiousness because he looked at me and took my hand. We stopped to talk before we went inside.

"Hey look I can tell your nerves are acting up, but it's alright. Those guys in there, and Connie, will have missed you and still love you no matter what."

"Can I be honest?" I said sounding serious.

"Of course anytime, what's up?"

"Well...my feet are sore and I'm super hungry and I don't wanna walkkkkkk." I pushed my bottom lip out like a puppy dog face. He laughed.

"Come here" he said and he lifted me up on top of his shoulders.

"Hurry up, dorks. I wanna see the team already." Luis was right in front of us, me still being on Charlie's shoulders.

We walked into the locker room and Luis shouted, "THE LEGEND IS BACK, BABY"

"Um, Luis. Your not really a legend, sorry buddy. But maybe you can think that." I heard Avermen's voice say and then I heard more laughs. The laughs that I've missed.

"Not me, you dingus. Her!" Luis said slapping Avermen in the back of the head.

Charlie walked in with me on his shoulders and quickly putting me down, I think I was a little too heavy for the noodle arms to hold me. Every one went crazy giving me hugs, hand shakes, lifting me up. My bruise was hurting so bad but I didn't wanna tell any one so I acted like it was fine.



"AYEEEEE, BRYNN IS IN THE HOUSEEEE" Goldberge explained giving me a fist bump.

"OOHHH MISS GLACEEYYYY, COMING THROUGHHHH," Averman said in an announcer voice, like he always does.

Jesse, Russ, Fulton, and Guy all gave me big hugs. Dean walked in, dropped his bags, and ran to me lifting me up.

Oh my gosh, another huge hug jeez these guys are gunna make me barf pretty soon.

"MY LIL SHORTYS BACK! How you been, babes?" He finally put me down.

"Been pretty good, Dean. But I'm still not up for being called 'babes'," I laughed.

Kenny came up to me. "Is it my turn for a hug now?" He smiled.

"Of course Kenny, I missed you so much," I said as I pulled him into a hug.

"I missed you too, Brynn."

Every one was looking at me like expecting something.

"What?" I said "I'm not some super star, you know." Every one laughed.

"I guess we just really missed you and well..had one big question on our mind." Jesse said

I looked confused waiting for them to spit it out.

"Well what about your old team? Are you finally on our league?" Dean asked.

"You kiddin' me? I ain't leavin the Ducks. You guys are family. So if that answers your question, then...yes I am officially on contract with The Ducks." I said smiling proudly.

"THATS MY GIRL!" Dean lifted me up once again. I laughed then hit him giving him the signal to put me down.

"What's with all this racket?" Coach had walked in. I turned and he saw me.

~ 𝕊𝕦𝕔𝕜 𝕀𝕔𝕖, 𝔹𝕒𝕟𝕜𝕤 ~Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat