Trouble breaks out

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I woke up with every one gone except for a few, Luis, Charlie, Adam, and me. I thought I was next to Charlie until I was fully awake and saw me snuggled into Adam's arms, he was still sleeping. I got up quickly a little confused. He was warm and cozy and smelt just like Charlie— but he wasn't. How could I have gotten that mixed up? I think after 11 years I know my best friends smell.

"Good morning, sunshine" Charlie said. He was playing pool with Luis.

"What time is it?" I asked, very concerned.

"Oh it's just 5 in the morning," Charlie said checking his phone. I quickly rushed.

"Holy shit. We have practice." I was trying to get my hoodie on and fixing my hair a little.

"Hey, hey, chill. It's a Saturday we have later practices remember?" Charlie hugged me.

Adam awoke. "Oh hey cuddle buddy," as he rubbed his eyes.

"Don't call me that." I sat back down next to him. I looked around noticing blankets, pillows, snacks, and the tv still on.

Mrs. Banks walked in. "Mornin' kiddos. You must have slept good, noticing you guys just woke up. Breakfast is ready, come and eat."

"Thanks tia." Adam said sweetly, as she walked away.

"She said breakfast like it wasn't a choice." I kinda laughed.

"Hey that's fine by me." Charlie said as he ran upstairs from the basement to the kitchen. We all laughed.

Luckily I had brought spare clothes. I was in jeans, a work out t-shirt, and some chucks yesterday but gladly, I brought sweats and a hoody to get comfy in. I changed back into those clothes from yesterday and ran up stairs sitting down to eat breakfast.

"Pancakes, eggs, bacon, and toast with jam." Mrs. Banks had all the plates set. "So tell me what is it like now that I'm gone from St. Cloud?" That was mine and Charlie's town, the one we knew Mrs. Banks from.

"Well school is still normal, not liking Math. The hockey team still sucks. Basketball still holds the gold and what else..oh yeah if Charlie keeps denying more girls, I'm going to get a lot more slushees thrown into my face." I said while stuffing my mouth with food. As Mr. and Mrs. Banks laughed. It felt a little weird calling them Banks because her last name was still her families last name but it wasn't Adam's parents, so it wasn't the real mr and mrs Banks.

"Hey it's not my fault I'm not into them." Charlie shrugged.

"I'm kinda lost. Why do the girls throw drinks at you when Charlie's the one denying them? Shouldn't he be getting the slushees to the face?" Adam asked.

"Well you see blondie, Charlie never makes it clear that I'm not his girlfriend. So when he deny's them, they assume we're dating and take it out on me. Which is horrible because then Charlie gets to walk around with his pride, saying he rejected a girl and I get to walk around smelling like rotten cherries all day." The banks all laughed when I said that.

"I never knew you were that close." Adam said but then I think he knew after this: Charlie and I both looked up, put down our forks, stopped chewing, and said "oh yeah" in unison.

Mr. Banks laughed and asked, "So Charlie who was the girl this time?"

We both said in an annoying tone "Linda Gilbert" and shuddered.

"Oh my gosh?!" Adam's Aunt said laughing.

"Mmhm-" in a mom voice we both said. "That's what I said." Charlie and I said together.

Adam and Mr.Banks laughed.

"So what other hobbies do you have besides hockey, miss Glacey?" Mr.Banks asked me.

~ 𝕊𝕦𝕔𝕜 𝕀𝕔𝕖, 𝔹𝕒𝕟𝕜𝕤 ~Where stories live. Discover now