We Aren't Friends

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I walked in but quickly hid behind some lockers as I saw Brynn laying in pain arguing with Charlie as he tried to help her.

"Charlie please stop. One because it hurts too much and two because I'm kinda half naked." She kept complaining.

Oh my gosh, she's so self centered. Can she not let some one help her? Although that bruise looks bad.

"Brynn, I don't even care about that, I've seen it before and it doesn't matter. You have nothing to cover up in front of me because your beautiful and trust me, I'm not the only one who knows it." Charlie said sweetly.

Yuck, disgusting love birds. I knew they always liked each other.

I listened more intently, as Brynn and Charlie kept arguing and talking. I actually felt bad for her and not because I wanted to, but to know that some guys did that to her made me feel some certain way, like a fire inside of me.

Then I heard more arguing and quiet talking. I was debating on showing myself and telling her she was a tough girl and could handle anything, but I knew she didn't want to see me or even be near me at the moment. After all, we aren't friends. The only reason we ever talked was challenging each other because we knew we both wanted that C spot and we were willing to fight for it.

The way they were so close made me a little emotional because I once had a friend like that...Shelby. But she moved to another state and I've never gotten to see her since we were 5.

I then heard sobbing, I looked to see she was leaning into Charlie's chest crying. I heard them say something about a medical condition. I quietly gasped and didn't think anything of it but what if she had cancer?!

I lost balance and I hit all the sticks that were lining up. I squinted my eyes hoping they wouldn't make noise, but they all fell with a *CRASH*.

And that was my cue to go back to the hotel. When I got into my room, I saw that I had her as my roommate because her room key that said B.G. on it was sitting right outside the door along with mine.

I actually got a little excited at this, I have no idea why, but I guess I just wanted to talk to her. She wasn't all that bad and I really wanted to get to know her more.

What the hell am I saying? She's your Rival. Get it through to you, Adam!

I think I- no. No way. She's just different. I hate her, totally. Well not hate. Despise, very.

I got into the shower letting the hot water hit my back and drip down my hair to my face. I sighed, a little exhausted from our first practice and I know it wasn't anything compared to what the Hawks used to make us do but I guess it was just different, so it was more difficult to me. But I did not let any one know that I got tired after one practice that was only 2/3 hours.

Besides, I'm not letting that new girl see through me. I'm Adam Banks for crying out loud, I don't get tired after a practice.

And as I walked out of the bathroom drying my hair, I heard the jingle of keys and knew it was her.

~ 𝕊𝕦𝕔𝕜 𝕀𝕔𝕖, 𝔹𝕒𝕟𝕜𝕤 ~Where stories live. Discover now