The Ferrots to..the movies ?

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I tied my skates and we made our way onto the ice. I got this comfort feeling every time I stepped onto the court but at the same time, it was nerve recking with all the adrenaline. Charlie was next to me.

"Come on Glacey. Get your head out of the gutter." He said making me laugh.

"Oh Charlie such a flirt, you always know how to make me smile." I said batting my eyelashes then laughing because I can never keep a face with Charlie. He winked and acted all tough then started laughing with me, as we skated circles around the rink.

"Coach is late again. Here, we'll start warming up." Charlie led us to passing twice then shooting. He also led us to do partner stretches and he worked with Goldberg and Julie. We all talked while practicing rotating with our sticks. Finally coach was here like 10 minutes before the game.

"Crew I'm here, I'm here! I am so sorry traffic had me stuck." He looked at us seeing we had sweat dripping down our faces.

"Well I see you guys have already warmed up. I'm very proud of you. Alright forget that, I've already got great plays. If they go as planned, then this should be a piece of cake eater." Coach smirked.

Such a dad joke but at the same time, lowkey funny.

For starting line he put in Adam, Jesse, Russ, and Goldberg. Face off was-

- "Of course it's Adam." I scoffed and rolled my eyes. Not knowing I said it out loud but not caring. Coach looked at me confused.

"Go easy on the kid, B. Jeez your gunna make him lose his confidence." Coach laughed. I wasn't laughing, in fact I didn't say anything.

Although, I didn't doubt banks. He did get the puck and pass it to Russ. He tried his Knuckle Punch but he couldn't get it in. It was swooped up by the other team who scored.

"Ugh why are we so low?" I said to myself then my voice getting louder. "BEND THE KNEE'S JESSE, EASIER TO SKATE!" I yelled at Jesse. He gave a thumbs up, but then got checked into the right side boards. I slapped my forehead with my palm. We were down by 6 now and the first quarter just ended. Every one took off their helmets slamming it in the box we all sat in.

"Man I'm getting sick of this." Jesse said huffing.

"Tell me about it." Adam agreed.

"Alright guys no need to fret, coach has a plan.. you do have a plan right?" Charlies voice changed to a whisper when he asked Coach that. Coach looked down sighing.

"Okay listen up. I need Dwayne and Luis to do your roping tricks and fast speed. I need Glacey to get the puck in the net and Conway to get the puck to them and play your part. Try the Triple Deke and were gunna try a switch up." We looked a little confused.

"Okay look." He started drawing our positions on his clipboard. "Glacey and conway skate towards the middle, spinning and pulling a Bash Brother hit, then switch to each other's side. Now that you have one man down, Dwayne you swoop in doing your stick tricks but I want you to Charlie horse two of the guys with your skate. It's not against the rules so we won't get a penalty for it. That should give us some points." We all nodded, pretty psyched for the new play.

We followed every move exactly what Coach said and he was right, it brought us back. Charlie and I started to switch, Dwayne did the Charlie horse to the other team and we scored. We were finally up by 3, however every time we scored, they had to score too. So it was a pretty close call when we won by 1.

We were dead tired by the end though. Adam scored the winning goal and for once in the past two days, I was feeling happy with him. I sighed feeling relief because we had finally made it to the finals, with all the work we've had to put in, 4 hours of practice 3/4 days a week. I slumped over Charlie as he laughed at me.

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