The Last Before the Final

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We went out to celebrate at the same Diner.

"Here's to winning the two games that can define our future." Charlie said.

"Cheers!" We all lifted our drinks and milk shakes.

We all had to sit in 3 different booths because the big one was being used, so Adam, Guy, Luis, and I shared one with Charlie in front of us. Adam was served a strawberry milkshake. I gagged and he saw my reaction.

"What? Not a fan of strawberry?" He asked.

"Not a fan? More than that. Strawberry is the worst thing to get. I mean I respect you for not getting plain vanilla but strawberry isn't much better." I said in all seriousness.

"Oh really? So what does Miss Brynn Glacey like for her milkshakes?" He laughed.

"Well if you must know, she loves chocolate banana. It's pretty unique, you know." I said sounding professional. We started laughing.

"So tell me, what's your favorite place to travel. And your favorite book, because I'm sure I can beat that too." He said smirking. I made a sarcastic face like I took offense and then kept stirring my milkshake.

"Okay well with books, I don't read that much any more but I do miss it. Um my favorite I ever read was probably Harry Potter and the mysterious, murder books. My ultimate favorite places to travel are Greece and Ireland, kinda Italy too." I felt as if he would laugh so I started to explain myself. "I know their weird places but I just love the beauty and I mean both places seem like the experience would be so worth it." But he didn't laugh. He just nodded and listened intently.

"Those seem like beautiful states. I've always wanted to travel to Italy too. I think if I could go anywhere it would be Italy or Europe." He said.

"Really? Those seem fantastic." I said.

"Fantastic?" He asked laughing. "What a way with words."

"Oh shut up. But I actually do like poetry. I feel as if it can speak to me some times. It sounds stupid but really." I said kinda laughing.

"No, no. It's not even close to stupid. I do too."

I started to smile, realizing how much we had in common.

"Hey there's a movie theater right down the street wanna go?" He asked, like it was casual.

"Sure, what movies playing though? I mean if your gunna force me to sit there and watch Lilo N Stitch, then I'll pass." I said disgusted while he laughed.

"Um no actually. Fast and Furious is playing."

"Oh I love that one!" I said kinda excited.

"Really? Same! My friends all think I'm weird for it." I grabbed his hand on the table not really noticing.

"Dude no way! I think you have a great taste in movies, then. Who cares what your friends think?" He started blushing and then I noticed our hands so we both looked away. I pulled my hand away fast.

Charlie looked over at me making Googley eyes towards us. I leaned across the table and smacked him in the head, laughing as he said "ow, Brynn come on".

I laughed. "Sorry, Char. But you should really shut your mouth." He waited till Adam was turned around and did it again. I tried to hold in my embarrassment but also wanted to laugh at Charlie's face.

"Charlie's doing something behind me, isn't he." Adam pointed over his shoulder. I finally let out my laugh and started laughing so hard.

"Yes, yes he is." I said while laughing. Adam turned around. Charlie stopped mid facial expression.

~ 𝕊𝕦𝕔𝕜 𝕀𝕔𝕖, 𝔹𝕒𝕟𝕜𝕤 ~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang