Diner Dancing

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Adam had just gotten out of the shower and we still weren't on speaking terms, even after our whole therapy session yesterday with coach when it really didn't fix anything. But we were not telling coach because we know he would make us do it again.

"Knock, knock" Charlie came in. The whole team was standing by the door. "We were gunna go check out that diner down town and you guys are coming with us."

"Charlie, my body's still dead I can barely walk." I said.

"Yeah same here. You guys had 3 hours less than we had." Adam looked at Charlie.

"3 hours? Damn. Alright well good thing the diner doesn't make you move so your still coming with us."

Adam and I groaned but we couldn't pass up the opportunity. I was wearing my casual outfit jeans and a hoodie. I was too lazy to put on a shirt.

[small time skip]

We had came to a diner called Rick's. It was so retro and 50's themed even from the outside I love it. We walked in with these waiters on skates, the floor was checkered, there was newspaper clippings, old famous artists, and CD tracks on the walls. A boom box you put quarters in and old CD players played music.

"Check that out" Russ and Dwayne seemed confused. They have never seemed to have seen anything like it in L.A. or Texas.

Adam was silent. Every time I looked at him he would look away. And every time he looked at me, I would look away.

"Do you guys have one big booth please?" The waiter lead charlie there. We all sat down a little cramped but it was good. Adam sat across from me and we didn't speak for a bit.

Finally after I ordered a milk shake, he spoke up. "Hey I know we aren't on the best of terms but..let's just put this whole fighting thing past us. Please?" He asked smiling.

"Yeah.. I'm done with fighting I just didn't wanna surrender first." I said smiling.

"Great. Well we have nothing to even fight about now. We're both captains, meaning we'll have to work together."

He held his hand out to shake. We did that sideways high five and fist bump thing and we both laughed.

The waiter brought our milkshakes and I was so thirsty, I slurped it down in just a few gulps. But hey there was free refills so it didn't matter. 

My favorite song came on called "Heart of Glass" and surprisingly, Averman and Goldberg knew it too. The diner was empty only the music filled the silence. I started to get up out of my seat. I walked over to the counter and told them to turn it up.

"What are you doing?" Adam whisper yelled.

"Oh loosen up banks, have a little fun." I smiled down at him. I stood up got on the bar and started dancing and singing like a maniac.

"Come on Char," I pulled Charlie up there with me. I used the napkin box as my microphone. Averman and Goldberg got up and started being my back up singers.

"Once I loved, it was divineeee. I Soon found out I was losing my mindddd." We sung.

Adam looked at me like he had never seen anything before. He was smiling big though. I walked over to him.

"Get up banks, let's go!" I pulled him up there too. He was laughing as he put his hands on my hips swaying. Then he grabbed my hand and twirled me. I leaned back kicking my leg up and he slowly supported me then I leaned back up. I looked into his eyes and I gave him the "microphone", the napkin box, motioning him to sing. He surprisingly knew the lyrics and sang,

"Soon found out I had a heart of glassss." Every one cheered for him and all of us like we were famous artists. Soon enough, the whole team was on top of the bar counter dancing.

Adam and I were so close doing stupid things like the salsa and the Macarena. We were laughing so hard while we did it. As soon as the song ended, the song Dancing Queen came on. Averman and I went crazy being as dramatic as we could.

As me and Adam kept on dancing, time seemed to slow down. I was having the time of my life forgetting all the stress of games and championships and my old team. We looked at each other's eyes deeply and it was the most amazing thing ever. Finally the songs ended. We were tired but still laughing at how fun that was.

As we were walking out, Adam grabbed my hand. "Got some pretty good moves there." He said smiling.

"Thanks your not so bad with your singing." We were still kinda dancing as we were walking out. But the funny thing was we forgot the Hotel's curfew was 11 so we were late and the front doors weren't open!

"Aw man now what?" Charlie asked as we were locked out.

"Wait here, I think I have an idea." Adam whispered to me. He ran around the corner. I followed him and I saw him climbing the ladder.

"It's a good thing I left our hotel room window open," he said smiling.

"Man your crazy..but don't go without me!" I yelled and I started climbing the ladder attached to the wall. We were still smiling and laughing. He finally got into our window and he helped me in. As soon as he pulled my arm, we both fell on top of each other. It was a awkward silence. I quickly got up.

We sat there in some silence for a while. There was so many thoughts going through my head.

I think I'm falling for him.. but I don't think he likes me. I mean when I met him he was already attractive..but what if we fight again? What if he doesn't even feel the same way?

"Brynn! Helloooo?" Adam said getting my attention.

"Sorry what?" I laughed.

"I said some ones at the door." I was confused by who but I guessed one of the team mates. I opened the door and my face dropped by who was standing there.

"Brynn?" Adam asked. That was all I remembered hearing.

~ 𝕊𝕦𝕔𝕜 𝕀𝕔𝕖, 𝔹𝕒𝕟𝕜𝕤 ~Where stories live. Discover now