Two Captains ?

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We walked into his office and he shut the door. It was a tight space and the windows looked into the locker room. He shut the blinds so no one could see his rage.

"SIT." He commanded, we listened. "I don't know what's been up with you two. Every since Glacey got here, Banks you've been jealous of your spot. And Glacey. You have had a terrible attitude towards him. Both of you do. I made you guys partners, I made you guys roommates, I even told Charlie to make sure you guys we're getting along! But I guess I was wrong." He sighed and paused before starting to talk again, more calm now. "See when I made you two captains, I saw something in you guys that were familiar. You both had the heart for the game, never gave up on your team, and most importantly you played fair with fun, never letting your team down. And I'm sorry Brynn, but when you left I had to give your spot up. I can't have a captain who is two cities away. And Banks, I apologize for not letting you know about your family's connection towards Brynn, you should have known. And not just that, a big part of this was my fault: you two didn't even know you existed to each other until a few days ago. But either way, that is still NO excuse to be disrespectful to a team mate."

"Um thank you Coach B. But I don't know what to say.." I kinda looked down before I knew what I wanted to say. "You are right. I shouldn't have expected my spot to stay reserved even while I was gone. And yes, the worse part was no one told me about a new member on the team. You can see how shocked I was when I found Adam right next to my locker— a former HAWK."

Coach nodded slowly, understanding.

"But Adam was the one showing of-"

"No way! You marched in here being all famous thinking you had the RIGHT to take my spot-"

Bombay cut us off.

"THIS IS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT! THIS WILL NOT BE TOLERATED ON MY TEAM.." it was silent for a minute while he thought.

"I guess I have no choice but to make you guys... BOTH captain."

"WHAT?! TWO CAPTAINS?!" We said in unison.

Coach laughed. "Boy, are you two a like. Your so the same you don't even realize it."

I hated being compared to Adam Banks it made me cringe in disgust. "With all due respect, never compare me to Cake eater here. A former Hawk, and a know it all." I gave Adam a disgusted look. He rolled his eyes.

"What about practice" Adam and I asked.

"Until you two can figure out how to cooperate, practice is cancelled-" I was honestly a little happy about that. I don't have to be near Adam.

"-for the rest of the team. As for you two, your staying."

We both looked surprised.

"Another 30 minutes?" Banks asked.

"Oh I never said a time." He said smiling.

We got back on the ice. He let every one else leave except for us. We ran 20 laps back and forth. He made us work everything as partners. I'm talking drills, warm ups, passing, scoring, acting like real teammates.

After 2 and a half hours, we both exploded, unable to move any more. He asked us to pick up pucks and try to glide with them smoothly but I fell on my back onto the ice.

"Coach...we can' this.. anymore." Adam said out of breath, taking a seat on the bleachers.

"Alright, take it easy. You guys did great. I'm sorry I worked you guys to death." He chuckled.

"YUH THINK?!" I called from still laying down on the ice.

"Glacey, your gunna have to move at some point when the lights go out!" Coach shouted back at me laughing.

"Nope. I'm good sleepin right here." I layed there another few minutes then got back up.

Adam and Coach laughed. We didn't get back to the hotel until 8, getting cleaned up. My body felt dead.

~ 𝕊𝕦𝕔𝕜 𝕀𝕔𝕖, 𝔹𝕒𝕟𝕜𝕤 ~Where stories live. Discover now