Chapter Twenty-Three

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You wandered through the frosty, desolate forest, hunger invading your once peaceful body.

Oh, what you would do for some food right now.

You would do anything....anything but go back to Tim.

Despite this nagging thought, an intrusive idea wandered around your mind. Why did he let you leave? Did he really-

No. You shook your head. He doesn't just became too much for him.

I don't need him, nor do I wa-

You paused. How could you lie to yourself?

A memory~

"You're beautiful, Timmy." You chuckled.

"Don't call me that." He said, seriously yet jokingly.

You looked at him and you two made eye contact for the first time. Tim's eyes darkened with lust and he pulled you up onto his lap. "Your eyes......they're like diamonds." He huskily breathed, his fingers massaging your back tenderly. Your face reddened as you leaned into him, absorbing his warmth as he rubbed your back. The longer you stared into his eyes, the more softness you saw. His irises.....something about them was so kind, so benevolent. Like he really did care about you. Like he wanted you for more than your body.

You suddenly knew that he was telling the truth; He did want to make you happy.

Without warning, Tim lifted you to his mouth and passionately kissed you. You gave in, relaxing in his grip.

For the first time in a week, you felt comfortable.

You felt sa-

You woke up from your daydream, choking back tears

This wasn't right. You couldn't keep fighting.

You loved Tim. You suddenly fell into fetal position, your body shuddering and shaking as you sobbed. You loved Tim.


Oh god, oh god....what have I done!?

You suddenly leapt up and ran back the way you came, your flesh cold where tear streaks resided. You ran for almost an hour, tripping over tree roots, over nothing, rolling your ankle, falling-

-getting back up. You could always get back up.

Eventually, the house came back into view. Relief flooded you as you rushed in through the back door.

"Guys, I'm-"

Wait. Something was wrong.

You scanned your surroundings, panic saturating your viewpoint. A table laid on it's face, the shattered glass still in it's place. Chairs laid strewn across the room, one of their legs missing. Bloody handprints dot the walls like stars.

Your mouth opened and closed without meaning, without reason.

What the hell happened here?

You dragged your hand against the counter where Jack had made his delicious food. You scanned the entire house, dragging you hand against the wall, wincing when your fingertips brushed a bloodstain.

They weren't here.

You knew what you had to do. You sighed.

Grabbing a few scattered granola bars from the pantry, you walked to the car, still parked, purpose fueling your every step.

I need to find them

I need to find Tim.

All formalities aside

Tbh I'd be more scared if those handprints were made of ketchup and not blood

Mortuusequusphobia. Look it up (Fun fact about me XD)

But anyway

Ta ta for now

-Vendetta (Who may be murdered for all we know)

Grimace (Yandere!Masky x Female!Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin